
pagoPA® is an electronic payment system designed to make any payment to the Public Administration simpler, safer, and more transparent.

Since January 1, 2019, it is the only accepted payment method by the University of Sassari.

pagoPA® is not a website where payments are made, but rather a new method to carry out payments to the Public Administration in a standardized manner through participating Payment Service Providers (PSPs). Payments can be made directly on the entity's website or app or through the channels (online and physical) of banks and other PSPs.

pagoPA® is a public system - consisting of rules, standards, and tools defined by the Agency for Digital Italy and accepted by the Public Administration and participating PSPs - that ensures individuals and companies can make electronic payments to the PA securely and reliably, simply and with total transparency in commission costs. It is an initiative promoted by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to which all PAs are obliged to adhere.

Through the pagoPA® system, payments can be made using the following methods:

You can make instant payments through the following methods:

  1. Instant payment by accessing the pagoPA® online payment section from the selfStudenti platform.
  2. Instant payment through the Home Banking service of your bank.
  3. Payment at a later time by printing a PDF or paper payment notice, which includes the identifying barcode and QR code of the payment. This option is useful if you want to make the payment physically at a bank branch or another PSP (Payment Service Provider) participating in the pagoPA®.


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