Suspension of studies By submitting a specific request, the student can request the temporary suspension of their academic career for one academic year, which may be extendable. The suspension can be requested for the following reasons:- Attendance of study programs abroad, university master's programs, professional training courses, specialization schools, doctoral programs, and courses at Military Academies;- Commitments related to military career;- Exceptional and documented health reasons and pregnancies;- Attendance of a specialization course for support, courses provided for by DM 249/2010, civil service, or internship programs;- Illness or injury of a family member;- Detention;- Other exceptional cases authorized by the Rector.For the suspension of the academic career, a fee of €100.00 is required, including the stamp duty, which is paid virtually, of €16.00; students with disabilities, recognized handicaps (under Article 3, paragraph 1, of Law No. 104 of February 5, 1992), or with a disability equal to or greater than 66%, as well as all types of SES students (students with special needs), only need to pay the stamp duty, paid virtually, of €16. The application for suspension cannot be submitted by students enrolled in degree courses governed by the regulations preceding Ministerial Decree 509/99.During the suspension period, the student is not required to pay fees and contributions related to the suspended career, except for the suspension contribution, but any academic activity and any educational-administrative service are prohibited.Upon resuming the suspended studies, if the student is not subject to forfeiture, they can request readmission to the previously followed study program and the recognition of any ECTS credits acquired in the study program to which they are enrolled, according to the established procedures.For a student who obtains the suspension of their career after paying fees, the amount paid will not be refunded.Suspension is granted for a minimum duration of one academic year and a maximum duration equal to the normal duration of the course in which the student is enrolled. A student who does not resume their studies within this period is declared forfeited.For further information, please contact the relevant Student Office. Naviga la sezione Virtual badge Course Change - Curriculum Simultaneous Enrollment in Two Study Programs Tuition fees and ISEE Deadlines forfeiture The anticipated completion of the degree. Part-time enrollment Programmed access courses Secretarial services Test on-line CISIA TOLC pagoPA Orientation Enrollment Registration of your personal data at Uniss Student services. Renewal of Enrollment for Subsequent Years after the First Transfers Enrollment in individual courses. Resume your studies Enrollment for Non-EU Students Recognition of foreign qualifications Choose your thesis topic Admission to the graduation exam Graduation request for extraordinary session Degree parchment and certificates Study Plans Renouncement of studies Suspension of studies