Part-time enrollment The student who, for reasons related to work, family, health or disability, or for other reasons, believes they cannot complete their study program within the normal timeframe prescribed by the study programs, may request enrollment as a part-time student for a longer period, but not exceeding double the conventional period, without falling into the "out of course" condition.It is always allowed, in the event of a change in the student's circumstances, to switch from part-time to full-time status and vice versa, upon a specific request to be submitted from August 1, 2023, to October 16, 2023, and from January 1, 2024, to February 29, 2024.The student can only be enrolled as "part-time" if they declare that they will acquire a maximum of 30 CFUs (Crediti Formativi Universitari) in the academic year. This limit can be exceeded upon the student's request, but not beyond 40 CFUs.The status of part-time student can only be requested during the normal academic years and cannot be requested for the academic year in which the student intends to benefit from international mobility and student collaborations, nor for the year in which they have requested a suspension of their academic career.For matters not covered in this article, reference is made to the provisions of the Student Career Regulations.For more information, please contact the relevant Student Office. Naviga la sezione Virtual badge Course Change - Curriculum Simultaneous Enrollment in Two Study Programs Tuition fees and ISEE Deadlines forfeiture The anticipated completion of the degree. Part-time enrollment Programmed access courses Secretarial services Test on-line CISIA TOLC pagoPA Orientation Enrollment Registration of your personal data at Uniss Student services. Renewal of Enrollment for Subsequent Years after the First Transfers Enrollment in individual courses. Resume your studies Enrollment for Non-EU Students Recognition of foreign qualifications Choose your thesis topic Admission to the graduation exam Graduation request for extraordinary session Degree parchment and certificates Study Plans Renouncement of studies Suspension of studies