Virtual badge The new Virtual Badge is available on the MyUniss App, which students can use instead of the traditional paper university ID card for identification during exams or to receive any benefits associated with student status.Obtaining the virtual badge does not entail any costs for the student.Below are the steps to obtain it. Upload your photo From your reserved area on Self.Studenti, upload a recent photo of yourself.The photos will be validated by the staff of the Student Secretariats, who will refer to the guidelines for passport issuance contained on the website of the State Police for their evaluation.In case the Secretariat does not accept the photo you have proposed, you will receive an automatic email requesting you to proceed with a new photo upload. Verify the app The Virtual Badge is integrated into the MyUniss App starting from version 21.04.02.Download the App or check for any updates by visiting the dedicated page. UNISS app mobile Wait for the badge activation. At regular intervals, the Student Secretariat proceeds with the mass activation of virtual badges for all profiles that have a validated photo.Once your badge is activated, the corresponding section of the App will display your photo and relevant identification data (student ID, last name, first name, course of study). Additionally, a notification will be sent to the "Messages" section of the App.If more than three months have passed since uploading your photo and the badge is not yet present in the App:Check on your Self.Studenti to ensure you have indeed uploaded the photo.Check your email for any communications regarding the non-validation of the photo.Contact your relevant Student Secretariat. Student Secretariats Naviga la sezione Virtual badge Course Change - Curriculum Simultaneous Enrollment in Two Study Programs Tuition fees and ISEE Deadlines forfeiture The anticipated completion of the degree. Part-time enrollment Programmed access courses Secretarial services Test on-line CISIA TOLC pagoPA Orientation Enrollment Registration of your personal data at Uniss Student services. Renewal of Enrollment for Subsequent Years after the First Transfers Enrollment in individual courses. Resume your studies Enrollment for Non-EU Students Recognition of foreign qualifications Choose your thesis topic Admission to the graduation exam Graduation request for extraordinary session Degree parchment and certificates Study Plans Renouncement of studies Suspension of studies Guide Guida per attivazione del Badge virtuale