Staff Services On the right-hand menu, you can find links to the main services. Contacting Offices Ufficio reclutamento, gestione, sviluppo e benessere organizzativo del PTAB Ufficio reclutamento, carriere e gestione del personale docente If you are looking for a call for applications Bandi per docenti, ricercatori e assegnisti di ricerca Bandi per il personale tecnico amministrativo Naviga la sezione Office of the Rector General Director Central Administration Staff Services Attendance management Offerta Banco di Sardegna Uniss Payroll statement Le mie missioni Report an event or notice Digital protocol Richiedi un intervento informatico Network account management University technology services Request maintenance intervention Request for identification of needs Unified Union Representation (RSU) Smart working Agreements for tax assistance University corporate welfare plan Documents of collegiate bodies Economic progression for professors University Occupational Health Physician Covid-19 health emergency pagoPA Payments IT Department