Programmed access courses For enrollment in nationally/locally programmed courses of study, interested parties, subject to passing the admission test, must regularize their administrative status within the deadlines indicated in the decree approving the lists of admitted students, following the procedure outlined for enrollment in nationally programmed courses of study.On the right menu, you can find all the useful links to the described procedures and some of the many Uniss Guides dedicated to the enrollment and registration phase. Programmed number courses Naviga la sezione Virtual badge Course Change - Curriculum Simultaneous Enrollment in Two Study Programs Tuition fees and ISEE Deadlines forfeiture The anticipated completion of the degree. Part-time enrollment Programmed access courses Secretarial services Test on-line CISIA TOLC pagoPA Orientation Enrollment Registration of your personal data at Uniss Student services. Renewal of Enrollment for Subsequent Years after the First Transfers Enrollment in individual courses. Resume your studies Enrollment for Non-EU Students Recognition of foreign qualifications Choose your thesis topic Admission to the graduation exam Graduation request for extraordinary session Degree parchment and certificates Study Plans Renouncement of studies Suspension of studies