Recognition of foreign qualifications

The autonomy of universities allows the competent academic authorities to declare that the recognition of the qualification can be Total or Partial.

For applications that involve total recognition, the foreign qualification has the same value as the corresponding one conferred by the University of Sassari based on a resolution of the Degree Course Council, upon proposal of the relevant academic structure, subject to the approval of the Academic Senate, with the final issuance of the Rector's decree.

For partial recognitions, candidates are admitted to take the final exam, with total or partial validation from the examinations related to the previous academic career obtained abroad (Course Abbreviation), as provided for in the resolution of the Degree Course Council, upon proposal of the relevant academic structure.

Non-EU citizens residing abroad are required to submit the application, accompanied by all the required documentation, through the Italian Diplomatic-Consular Representation in their country of residence or in the foreign country of their last residence, to which said documents must be submitted within the deadlines established annually by the MIUR provisions regarding the enrollment of foreign students.

Non-EU citizens requesting recognition of their foreign academic qualification must demonstrate proficiency in the Italian language (article 26 of law 30 July 2002, no. 189 and subsequent amendments).

Deadlines and procedures

Those who hold an academic qualification obtained abroad may request recognition of the foreign academic qualification with the corresponding academic qualification, either first or second level, among those issued by the University.

For the academic year 2023/2024, the deadlines for submitting the application for recognition of a foreign academic qualification run from August 1st to October 30th, 2023.

It is specified that all documents submitted for evaluation, not issued in English, must be translated according to the methods established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI).

The application form will be downloadable directly from the Student Secretariat Forms section and must be submitted online, through the institutional certified email address of the University of Sassari: Alternatively, if you do not have a certified email address, it can be sent to a regular email address at the following email address:

In order to allow for the evaluation of the foreign qualification, the application must be accompanied, exclusively in pdf format, by the following documentation:

- High school diploma valid for admission to the University of the country where it was obtained;
- Official translation into Italian of the certificate or diploma mentioned above, if not issued in English;
- Declaration of value on the high school diploma, issued by the Italian Diplomatic or Consular Representation in the country whose educational system the diploma refers to;
- Academic qualification for which recognition is requested, also accompanied by the official translation into Italian and the declaration of value, issued by the Italian Diplomatic or Consular Representation in the country whose university system the qualification refers to or by the attestations issued by the Italian ENIC-NARIC center (CIMEA);
- Certificate detailing the courses taken and exams passed abroad to obtain the foreign academic qualification;
- Official translation into Italian of the aforementioned certificate, if not issued in English;
- Study programs (on letterhead of the foreign University or endorsed with the University's stamp), for all subjects included in the foreign curriculum, issued in English or with the corresponding translation into Italian, carried out by the competent Authorities according to the current regulations; the authenticity of such programs, as well as of all the previous documentation, must be confirmed by the Italian Diplomatic or Consular Representation on-site;
- Photocopy of a valid identity document.

According to Law No. 148 of 2002, ratifying and implementing the Lisbon Convention of April 11, 1997, universities have the authority to recognize cycles and periods of study carried out abroad and foreign qualifications, for the purpose of access to higher education, continuation of university studies, and attainment of Italian university qualifications. Universities exercise this authority within the framework of their autonomy and in accordance with their respective regulations, subject to bilateral agreements in the matter.

In the absence of bilateral agreements on equivalence between qualifications, the recognition request can result in either total recognition of the foreign qualification (and the subsequent issuance of the considered equivalent Italian academic qualification) or partial recognition of the qualification and the possibility, based on the number of recognized credits and pursuant to the current educational regulations, of enrolling in subsequent years beyond the first year of the corresponding Italian study program. The process of total recognition concludes with the issuance of a Rector's decree that executes what has been deliberated by the academic bodies.

For further information, preferably contact the Student Office and Educational Offer via email (Ms. Maria Rita Cubeddu: