Office of Prevention and Protection Service, Hygiene, and Safety - USPPIS

Who We Are and What We Do


We are a group of professionals, men and women coordinated by the Service Manager, supporting the employer responsible for managing the safety system at the University.

We provide consultancy services to ensure prevention, protection from occupational risks, and healthiness in the workplace at the University, in accordance with the functions assigned by current regulations, particularly Legislative Decree 81/08 (Consolidated Text on Occupational Safety).

The Prevention and Protection Service group:

  • Identifies risk factors and assesses the extent of risks to which workers are exposed, determining safety measures, healthiness in the workplace, and emergency plans. Evaluates the psychosocial risk of University workers and implements improvement actions to promote and ensure organizational well-being and occupational health.
  • Provides the occupational physician with a list of personnel to undergo health surveillance.
  • Proposes training and information programs for workers.
  • Participates in periodic safety meetings and is responsible for the elaboration and drafting of the DVR (Risk Assessment Document).
  • Organizes training and information on health and safety in the workplace, including the implementation of DM 3/08/2015 on fire prevention.
  • Proposes the development of internal regulations on safety and community health at the University.
  • Oversees activities related to the management of special waste.
  • Develops the DUVRI (Single Document for the Assessment of Interfering Risks), which analyzes and describes the correct management of safety in the event of entrusting works, services, and supplies, upon request of the interested parties.