Placement and Technology Transfer Innovation and Enterprise Public engagement Connections with the Territory Info for Job Placement Service GAUSS - Large Equipment UNISS SHARPER - European Researchers' Night 2023 CeSAR - University Research Services CenterGAUSS - Large Equipment UNISSFabLabCUBACT Incubator Laboratories and Technological Equipment News The Magnificent Rector received the new Quaestor of Sassari Meeting between Gavino Mariotti and Filiberto Mastrapasqua Discovering the secrets of the "nuragic" sanctuaries with Uniss Excavation campaigns in Iloi, Sos Muros and Dualchi concluded Health mission: the risks of cadmium and heavy metals Collaboration agreement between the University of Sassari and the international association ISRCT Animal Welfare: Master Gesaben of the University of Sassari inaugurated in the Aula Magna Unique in Italy in the areas of MANAGEMENT, Sustainability of Livestock and Animal WELL-BEING. All news