
Students enrolled in bachelor's, master's (or specialist) degree courses, and single-cycle master's degree courses, of any type, who were already enrolled at the University up to the academic year 2012/2013 (inclusive), will automatically forfeit their status if they have not taken exams or acquired credits for eight consecutive academic years from the year of their last exam or from the year of their last active and ongoing enrollment, whichever is more favorable. For the purposes of forfeiture, years of enrollment as a repeating student and years of interruption are equivalent to enrollment "off course," while years of suspension from studies are not considered as such.

A student who enrolled or transferred to our University from the academic year 2013/2014 onwards will forfeit their student status if they do not acquire any credits from those prescribed by their course of study by the end of:

- The third academic year of enrollment as off course, if enrolled in a bachelor's degree course;
- The second academic year of enrollment as off course, if enrolled in master's degree courses;
- The fifth or sixth academic year of enrollment as off course, if enrolled in single-cycle master's/specialist degree courses, respectively of normal duration of 5 or 6 years.

Forfeiture results in the cancellation of the university career pursued. University educational credits acquired can still be certified upon request for any subsequent consideration. Forfeiture applies directly upon the occurrence of the prescribed conditions without the need for prior notification to those concerned.

Within the deadlines provided for forfeiture, affected students may choose to transfer to another course of study offered by the University, with a request for validation of the exams taken, to be submitted to the relevant Course Council, which evaluates the non-obsolescence of the disciplinary contents and the academic year to which to admit the student.

A student who has passed all progress exams and is only lacking the degree exam does not incur forfeiture, and can access the degree exam regardless of the time elapsed since the last exam.

A student who is forfeited will have their secondary school diploma returned if it was submitted at the time of enrollment.

For further information, please contact the Student Services Office via email.