Tuition fees and ISEE

Payment of regional tax (ERSU) for the academic year 2023/2024

Notice for Students

Starting from this academic year, there have been significant changes regarding the payment methods for the regional tax for the right to study (the so-called ERSU tax) and the procedures to request exemption.

Firstly, as you may have noticed, the regional tax was not included in the second installment due on February 28th this year. Instead, it will be invoiced together with the third installment of enrollment fees starting from April 10th, with a due date for both on May 5th, 2024.

We strongly advise you to pay close attention to this deadline because starting from this academic year, the Sardinian Revenue Agency will take over the collection and verifications related to the actual payment of the regional tax. Further information can be found on the page [link].

We remind you that the following students are exempt from paying the regional tax for the right to university education:

- Students who have been declared scholarship winners or who have obtained eligibility in the rankings for the awarding of scholarships (this exemption is automatic and no communication is required from the student).

Students whose gross total income of the family unit to which they belong is less than 25,000 euros and who do not benefit from other benefits related to their respective university courses; in this case, for the current Academic Year 2023/2024, it will be necessary to submit a specific declaration regarding the portal of the  Sportello Unico dei Servizi della Regione Sardegna. The next academic years, the declaration will be submitted at the time of enrollment, directly in the Self Studenti of UniSS.

Students with a disability of not less than 66% or with recognition of disability under art. 3 paragraph 1 of Law 104/92.

The importance of ISEE

For the calculation of the enrollment fee, the economic and patrimonial condition of the student's family unit, as identified based on the ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator), will be taken into account from the first installment.

Therefore, it is necessary for the student to request an attestation of the equivalent economic situation (ISEE) of their family unit from an authorized entity (such as a CAF, INPS, Chartered Accountant, or others). Upon completing the online application for enrollment, the student should authorize the University to automatically acquire the data related to the Unique Substitute Declaration (DSU) from the ISEE information system managed by the INPS.

The processing time for the issuance of the ISEE attestation is approximately 10/15 days (from the CAF to the INPS, and then from the INPS to the University). It is strongly recommended to proceed with enrollment/registration after 10/15 days from the request for the ISEE attestation. This way, during the enrollment/registration process, the University can retrieve the ISEE value in real-time from the INPS database and calculate the fee based on your income from the first installment.

If the Unique Substitute Declaration (DSU) is not completed or if authorization for the retrieval of such data is not granted, the student will automatically be placed in the highest income bracket, and the maximum amount of the enrollment fee will be applied.

It is essential to contact the authorized entities for the issuance of the ISEE attestation immediately to avoid long waiting times for the issuance of the certificates, which, we remind you, are required at the time of renewal of enrollment or for the first enrollment application to calculate the first installment.

General principles on fees

The enrollment in each course at the University is subject to the payment of university fees as specified below. University fees are income-related and are quantified based on the ISEE value of the student's family unit.

The payment of the first installment completes the enrollment and is necessary to carry out any career-related action.

Students who are not in compliance with the payment of fees for all years of enrollment will not be able to continue their career and, consequently, will not be able to:

  • Take exams
  • Take the final exam for graduation
  • Transfer to another University
  •  Change to another degree course
  • Obtain certifications
  • Apply for student collaboration activities
  • Apply for participation in international mobility projects
  • Apply for scholarships or awards
  • Submit other requests related to the student's position
  • Exercise representation in collegiate bodies.

Exams taken without regularizing the administrative position cannot be included in the academic record.

The student who intends to obtain a refund of unduly paid fees and contributions must submit a regular request according to the following terms:

  • For fees related to 2022/23 by 06/30/2024
  • For fees related to 2023/24 by 06/30/2025
  • It will not be possible to request a refund for fees from previous years.

Types of fees and contributions

Enrollment in each course of study (bachelor's degree, master's degree, and single-cycle master's degree) is subject to the payment of the single enrollment fee, the virtual stamp duty, and the regional tax.
* For courses with a limited number of places, the terms indicated in the respective notices apply.

The single enrollment fee is divided into three installments:

1. FIRST INSTALLMENT: of a variable amount up to €310.00 to be paid by October 20, 2023, together with €16.00 for the virtual stamp duty;

2. SECOND INSTALLMENT: to be paid by February 29, 2024, together with the ERSU regional tax (if due), according to the following modalities:

with a single payment if the remaining amount of the annual fee is less than €50.00;with a payment equal to 50% of the remaining amount of the annual fee if it exceeds €50.00;

3. THIRD INSTALLMENT (possible balance): to be paid by April 15, 2024.

The fees vary depending on the student's status (regular student, out-of-course student, repeat student), the chosen academic commitment (full-time, part-time), and the number of years enrolled at the university (Law no. 232 of December 11, 2016).

Late payment of university fees automatically incurs a late payment fee. For the amount of the late payment fee, please refer to Article 7.7.2 and the summary table of deadlines and fees in the Student Career Regulations.

Students who are not up to date with the payment of university fees cannot register for exams or carry out any administrative procedures.

Total and partial exemptions


In accordance with Law No. 232 of December 11, 2016, students meeting the income and merit requirements related to enrollment and earned ECTS credits* (for years following the first) are exempt from paying the single enrollment fee.

In detail:

  • STUDENTS ENROLLED IN THE 1ST YEAR: Students enrolled in the first year of the course belonging to a family unit with an equivalent economic situation indicator (ISEE) equal to or less than 22,000 euros (income requirement);
  • STUDENTS ENROLLED IN THE 2ND YEAR: Students enrolled in subsequent years after the first who simultaneously meet the following criteria:
  1.  Belonging to a family unit with an equivalent economic situation indicator (ISEE) equal to or less than 22,000 euros (income requirement);
  2.  Enrollment at the University of Sassari for a number of academic years less than or equal to the normal duration of the course of study, increased by one (merit/enrollment requirement);
  3. Having earned at least 10 ECTS credits between August 11, 2022, and August 10, 2023 (merit/ECTS requirement);
  • STUDENTS ENROLLED IN SUBSEQUENT YEARS AFTER THE 2ND: Students enrolled in subsequent years after the second who simultaneously meet the following criteria:
  1. Belonging to a family unit with an equivalent economic situation indicator (ISEE) equal to or less than 22,000 euros (income requirement);
  2. Enrollment at the University of Sassari for a number of academic years less than or equal to the normal duration of the course of study, increased by one (merit/enrollment requirement);
  3. Having earned at least 25 ECTS credits between August 11, 2022, and August 10, 2023 (merit/ECTS requirement);

Students are still required to pay the virtual stamp duty and the regional ERSU tax (except as provided for in an agreement with ERSU for eligible students and scholarship recipients).
How does it apply to the student? Automatically; the student enters the self-certification data, and the system automatically calculates any exemption.

* Only ECTS credits directly earned by the student or recognized for activities carried out within international mobility will be considered. ECTS credits obtained through recognition or validation from previous academic careers will not be considered.



Students who are beneficiaries or eligible for the regional scholarship or honor loan (ERSU) are exempt from paying the single registration fee for the academic year 2023/2024. The University will promptly grant the exemption to the student as soon as ERSU makes the provisional merit rankings available. The student will be entitled to a refund of the single registration fee paid for the academic year 2023/2024 if the communication from ERSU is received after the deadline for payment of the first installment; in the absence of loading of a specific exemption, the student is in any case required to pay the first installment by the deadline.

Students who are beneficiaries are still required to pay the virtual stamp duty.

In the event of revocation of the status of beneficiary or eligible non-beneficiary of the regional scholarship, the student will be required to pay the single registration fee otherwise due, and in this case, the deadline for payment of the installments, to avoid late payment penalties, will be appropriately deferred by 30 days from receipt of the revocation communication or merged with the subsequent installments.

How does  it apply to the student? Automatically; the student is listed among the scholarship beneficiaries or eligible students, and the system automatically applies the exemption. If the exemption is not listed, contact the Student Office via email; there may have been issues with the transmission and uploading of the ERSU rankings.



A student who, even though they did not apply for the ERSU scholarship (Scholarship and Housing Services Call published and managed by ERSU Sassari), meets the income and merit requirements specified in the call, is exempt from paying the single registration fee for the academic year 2022/2023.

Regarding this exemption, similar to the procedure for awarding scholarships, the student can benefit from it for obtaining a degree at each level of the following courses: Bachelor's Degree (first level); Single-cycle Master's Degree; Master's Degree (second level). Students with previous academic careers in courses of the same level are not entitled to the exemption.

How does it apply to the student? Automatically; the student enters the self-certification data and the system automatically calculates any exemptions.



A student with disabilities according to art.3 paragraph 1 of Law 104/92 or with a recognized disability equal to or greater than 66% is totally exempt from paying the single registration fee and is only required to pay the virtual stamp duty. This exemption is also extended, by virtue of Law 118/71 art. 30, to students who belong to a family unit with an ISEE equal to or less than €22,000, within which there is a member receiving an invalidity pension.

A disabled student with a recognized disability equal to or greater than 33% and less than 66% is partially exempt, with exemption from the payment of the third installment if due and from university contributions as per art. 7.7.1.

How does  it apply to the student? Automatically; the student enters disability-related data in the registration form, and the system automatically calculates any exemptions.



A student enrolled within the second year out of course, who becomes an orphan of the parent as the sole source of income during the academic year 2023/2024, is entitled to exemption from paying the single registration fee if due and is still required to pay the ERSU regional tax and the virtual stamp duty.

How  does it apply to the student? Manually; the student who believes they are entitled to exemption must contact the relevant Student Office, which will request appropriate self-certification and proceed to recalculate the fees with any exemption.



Where a more favorable situation determined by the application of Law No. 232 of December 11, 2016, and subsequent amendments, does not apply, the student in detention is required to pay the single registration fee of €310.00, including the virtual stamp duty, to be paid in a single installment by the deadline of the first installment. The ERSU regional tax, which is still due, must be paid by February 28, 2024. The University exempts the student admitted to legal aid funded by the State from paying the single registration fee. In this case, the student is only required to pay the virtual stamp duty.

How does  it apply to the student? Manually; the student or the prison officer who believes they are entitled to exemption should contact the Student Office of the Prison University Pole (PUP). Upon conducting the appropriate checks, the office will proceed to recalculate the fees with any exemption.



Foreign students residing abroad are fully exempt from paying the single registration fee for the first year of enrollment.
For subsequent years of enrollment after the first and within the normal duration of the course, foreign students residing abroad pay a single registration fee based on the different income brackets of the country of residence, parameterized to the GDP per capita (PPP) calculated by the International Monetary Fund:
Bracket 1: €700.00
Bracket 2: €500.00
Bracket 3: €400.00
Bracket 4: €300.00
List of Countries:
Bracket 1 - GDP per capita over $50,000:
Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Brunei, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Iceland, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Macao, Norway, Netherlands, Qatar, San Marino, Singapore, United States, Sweden, Switzerland
Bracket 2 - GDP per capita over $35,000 and less than $50,000:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, South Korea, Denmark, Finland, France, Japan, Israel, Malta, New Zealand, Oman, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Spain, Taiwan.
Bracket 3 - GDP per capita over $20,000 and less than $35,000:
Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mauritius, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Seychelles, Slovakia, Slovenia, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Hungary, Uruguay
Bracket 4 - GDP per capita less than $20,000:
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Belarus, Burma, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, China, Colombia, Comoros, Ivory Coast, Costa Rica, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Philippines, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Jamaica, Djibouti, Jordan, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Kiribati, Kosovo, Laos, Lesotho, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, North Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, Dominican Republic, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Sudan, South Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, East Timor, Togo, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Ukraine, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Note: For subsequent years after the first, foreign students residing abroad may potentially submit the Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE) document. In this case, the placement in the income bracket would be determined based on the data provided in the submitted document.

How does it apply to the student? Automatically; the student enters their personal data with the nationality of their residence, and the system automatically calculates the fee.



For students who are children of Sardinians residing abroad and enroll at the University of Sassari as part of the Back to Origins Project, the tax reductions will be applied as provided in the previous section "FOREIGN STUDENTS RESIDING ABROAD." Consequently, full exemption is expected for the first year of enrollment from the single registration fee, and for subsequent years of enrollment after the first and within the normal duration of the course, the payment of a single registration fee based on the different income brackets of the country of residence will apply.



Foreign students who are beneficiaries of annual scholarships from the Italian Government within the framework of cooperation programs for development and intergovernmental cultural and scientific agreements, along with their related executive programs, are fully exempt from paying the single registration fee. In subsequent years, exemption is conditional upon the renewal of the scholarship by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

How does it apply to the student: Manually; the student who believes they are entitled to exemption should contact the Office of Student Affairs and Educational Offer (Ms. Rita Cubeddu,, which, after appropriate verification, will communicate to the relevant Student Secretariats the attribution of the corresponding exemption.



Students who have obtained a diploma with a score of 100/100 and honors, enrolling for the first time in three-year degree courses or single-cycle master's degree courses, are exempt from paying the registration fee for the first year, excluding the regional ERSU fee and the virtual stamp duty.

How does it apply to the student: Automatically; the student enters their diploma data, and the system automatically calculates the fee.



Students enrolled full-time for the academic year 2022/2023, who have completed at least 40 CFU from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2022, will be entitled to a €50.00 reduction on the amount of the third installment of the single registration fee.

How does  it apply to the student: Automatically; with the exam certification, the system automatically recalculates the fee, with any reduction. In case of a credit balance in favor of the student, a refund request for fees must be submitted.



Students in their final year, who obtain the final degree with a score of 110/110 and honors within the first session of the current academic year, are entitled to request a refund of the third installment if already paid.

How does it apply to the student: Automatically; with the graduation exam certification, the system automatically recalculates the fee, with any reduction. However, the student needs to request a refund of fees.



Where there isn't a more favorable situation determined by the application of Law No. 232 of December 11, 2016, and subsequent amendments, students who enroll within the set deadlines for the A.Y. 2023/2024, and who at the time of enrollment are only in debt with the final degree exam, are required to pay the single enrollment fee of €400.00, the regional ERSU fee, and the virtual stamp duty.

How does it apply to the student: Automatically; once the student's transcript showing only the final degree exam debt is verified, and the self-certification provided by the student (ISEE 2019) is confirmed, the system automatically calculates the most favorable fee between the income-based fee or the fixed fee provided by this partial exemption.



Unless a more favorable situation is determined by the application of the no tax area (Law No. 232 of December 11, 2016, and subsequent amendments), technical-administrative personnel, employed or assimilated, in service at the University of Sassari, enrolled and attending for the A.Y. 2023/2024, are required to pay a single enrollment fee of €100, the regional ERSU fee, and the virtual stamp duty. This exemption is conditional upon obtaining at least 30 CFU (15 CFU for part-time students) during the Academic Year, by October 30, 2024.

How does it apply to the student: Manually; the student who believes to be entitled to the exemption should contact the Student Administration and Educational Services Office, which, after appropriate verification, will communicate the attribution of the relevant exemption to the competent Student Administration Offices.



Agreements have been made with the armed forces, which provide, for military personnel enrolling at our University, and for other categories expressly identified by Rectoral Decree No. 2377/2016 of October 13, 2016, for the payment of €500.00, inclusive of the single enrollment fee of €344.00, the virtual stamp duty, and the regional ERSU fee.

Subjects benefiting from the convention: Italian Navy; Military Personnel of the Army; Carabinieri; State Police; Local Police; Financial Guard; Italian Air Force.

How does it apply to the student: Manually; the student who believes to be entitled to the exemption should contact the Student Administration and Educational Services Office ( or, based on the relevant Student Administration Office) by submitting a self-certification or attestation of affiliation to one of the subjects eligible for the exemption; after appropriate verification, the Student Administration Office will proceed to grant the relevant exemption.



Following the signing of the memorandum of understanding with the Department of Public Administration, public employees enrolling in courses at the University as part of the project are required to pay €500.00, inclusive of the single enrollment fee of €344.00, the virtual stamp duty, and the regional ERSU fee.



The University fully exempts students who have obtained refugee status from paying the single enrollment fee. They are only required to pay the virtual stamp duty. If refugee status is obtained during the academic year, already enrolled students can request a refund of the fees already paid. This exemption also applies to foreign students who have submitted an application for international protection to the Italian State or hold subsidiary or humanitarian protection.

How does it apply to the student: manually; the student who believes they are entitled to the exemption contacts the Student and Educational Services Office (, which, after verifying the information, informs the relevant Student Services Offices of the exemption.



Regarding Students with Special Needs (SES), the following facilitations are defined:

A1) Students with certified disabilities between 33% and 66%: exemption from payment of any third installment and from university contributions as per Article 7.7.1 of the Student Career Regulations.

How does it apply to the student? Automatically; during enrollment, the student selects the SES type "A1" from the self-certification menu; the system automatically assigns the relevant exemption; the relevant Student Services Offices subsequently verify the actual eligibility for the exemption.

A2) Students in detention: taxation as indicated in the specific item "STUDENT IN DETENTION" and exemption from payment of any third installment and university contributions as per Article 7.7.1 of the Student Career Regulations.

How does it apply to the student? Please refer to the specific item "Students in detention."

B1) Injured students: exemption from payment of any third installment and university contributions as per Article 7.7.1 of the Student Career Regulations.

How does it apply to the student? Automatically; during enrollment, the student selects the SES type "B1" from the self-certification menu; the system automatically assigns the relevant exemption; the relevant Student Services Offices subsequently verify the actual eligibility for the exemption.

B2) Pregnant students or those with young children: exemption from payment of any third installment and university contributions as per Article 7.7.1 of the Student Career Regulations.

How does it apply to the student? Automatically; during enrollment, the student selects the SES type "B2" from the self-certification menu; the system automatically assigns the relevant exemption; the relevant Student Services Offices subsequently verify the actual eligibility for the exemption.

B3) Sensitive students: exemption from payment of any third installment and university contributions as per Article 7.7.1 of the Student Career Regulations.

How does it apply to the student? Automatically; during enrollment, the student selects the SES type "B3" from the self-certification menu; the system automatically assigns the relevant exemption; the relevant Student Services Offices subsequently verify the actual eligibility for the exemption.

B4) Caregiver students: exemption from payment of any third installment and university contributions as per Article 7.7.1 of the Student Career Regulations.

How does it apply to the student? Automatically; during enrollment, the student selects the SES type "B4" from the self-certification menu; the system automatically assigns the relevant exemption; the relevant Student Services Offices subsequently verify the actual eligibility for the exemption.

C1) Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (DSA): exemption from payment of other university contributions (see Article 7.7.1 of the Student Career Regulations).

How does it apply to the student? Automatically; during enrollment, the student selects the SES type "C1" from the self-certification menu; the system automatically assigns the relevant exemption; the relevant Student Services Offices subsequently verify the actual eligibility for the exemption.

All students are still required to pay the virtual stamp duty and the regional ERSU tax.



The Governing Bodies may introduce new types of exemption, partial or total, upon proposal by the University Fees Committee.

Tax Amounts

The unique registration fee, for current students who meet the income and merit requirements set forth in Law No. 232 of December 11, 2016, is calculated according to the following function to be applied to the income brackets listed in the table.

Fee = a + ((ISEE - b) * c)


Students enrolled in the 1st year and current students enrolled in subsequent years after the 1st year who meet the merit and income requirements

Income Bracket ISEEMinimum Fee (a)Maximum Fee (b)Coefficient (c)
0 – 22.0000----
22.000,01 – 30.000022.0000,06
30.000,01 – 70.0001.050,0030.0000,0175
70.000,01 e oltre1.750,00----

Merit requirements:

  • Students enrolled in the second year: have obtained at least 10 CFUs during the first year of enrollment, in the period from August 11, 2021, to August 10, 2022.
  • Students enrolled in subsequent years after the second: have obtained at least 25 CFUs during the previous year of enrollment, in the period from August 11, 2021, to August 10, 2022.

Furthermore, for the academic year 2023/2024, according to DM 234/2020, for enrolled students meeting both merit and income requirements as per Table A, partial exemption from the annual all-inclusive contribution is increased. This applies to students belonging to a household with an ISEE between 22,000 euros and 30,000 euros, and meeting the remaining requirements specified in Article 1, paragraph 257, of Law 232/2016, as shown in the following table:

For students meeting income but not merit requirements, the contribution is calculated using the same function as previously mentioned, applied to income brackets and parameters specified in the table.

TABLE A1: Reduction of the all-inclusive contribution
IseePercentage reduction of the annual all-inclusive contribution compared to the maximum amount due according to Law 232/2016
22.000< ISEE ≤ 24.00080%
24.000< ISEE ≤ 26.00050%
26.000< ISEE ≤ 28.00025%
28.000< ISEE ≤ 30.00010%

For students who meet the income requirements but not the merit requirements, the contribution is calculated according to the same function previously mentioned, to be applied to the income brackets and parameters listed in the table.


Students enrolled in subsequent years after the 1st and meeting income requirements (but NOT merit requirements).

 ISEE value bracketMinimum fee (a)Maximum fee (b)Coefficient (c)
0 – 22.000200----
22.000,01 – 30.00020022.0000,07
30.000,01 – 70.0001.220,0030.0000,018
70.000,01 e oltre1.940,0070.000--

The single enrollment fee for part-time students is calculated at 50% of the amount due according to the current tax system (Tables A and B) for full-time students, except for the regional fee for the right to study and the stamp duty, which must be paid in full.

For repeating or out-of-course students for a number of years greater than the first, the single enrollment fee is calculated using the same function as previously stated, to be applied to the income brackets and parameters listed in the table.


Students repeating a year or out of course for a number of years greater than the first

 ISEE value bracketMinimum fee (a)Maximum fee (b)Coefficient (c)
0 – 22.000200----
22.000,01 – 30.00020022.0000,0805
30.000,01 – 70.0001.398,5030.0000,0215
70.000,01 e oltre2.258,5070.000--

Calculate your fee

You can calculate the due fee using the online simulator according to the indications provided in the above tables:

Note: The calculation does not take into account any applicable reductions and exemptions.

Payment methods

The payment of university fees can be made through the electronic payment systems provided by pagoPA; for more information, refer to the Uniss Guide or the dedicated page of the Agency for Digital Italy .

The University will not send any payment slips to the student's address.

Other fees and contributions

(All the items listed below are reported in the Student Career Regulation for the academic year 2022/2023, in paragraph 7.7.1)

The student who wishes to resume studies previously interrupted for at least one academic year must pay a recognition fee for each academic year of non-enrollment, amounting to € 350.00 if it is an enrollment in progress or € 450.00 if it is an enrollment out of course. In the case of recognition, the student may take exams starting from the first available session of the academic year 2023/2024. If the student wishes to take exams related to the exams of the academic year 2022/2023, they are required to pay the enrollment fees and contributions provided for the same academic year. The recognition fee is reduced to € 130.00 for each year of non-enrollment due to performing civil service or the birth year of each child. Pursuant to Article 9, paragraph 4 of Legislative Decree 68/2012, students forced to interrupt their studies due to serious and prolonged illness, duly certified, are totally exempt from paying university fees and contributions during this period.
@How does it apply to the student ? Manually; the student who requests recognition contacts, also via email, the Student Secretariat and Training Offer Office ( or, depending on the relevant Student Secretariat) by submitting the request form; the Student Secretariat, after verifying the necessary information, proceeds to attribute the corresponding contribution.

The student transferring from another University, at the time of enrollment at this University, in addition to the full payment of the current fees and contributions, is required to pay an extraordinary contribution of € 71.00, including a virtual stamp duty of € 16.00. No adjustment is allowed with fees and contributions paid to any other University for any reason. Students requesting a transfer from this to another University must pay an extraordinary contribution of € 266.00, including a stamp duty of € 16.00. For nationally programmed courses, the contribution is € 516.00, including a stamp duty of € 16.00.
@How does it apply to the student? Automatically; the student requests transfer in or out, also based on the type of course, and the system automatically assigns the corresponding contribution.


The student requesting a suspension of their academic career is required to pay an extraordinary contribution of € 100.00, including a stamp duty of € 16.00. This contribution is not due from students with disabilities, with recognition of disability (pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 1, of Law no. 104 of February 5, 1992), or with a disability equal to or greater than 66%, who must only pay the stamp duty, fulfilled virtually, of € 16.00.
@How does it apply to the student? Manually; the student requesting suspension contacts the Student Secretariat and Training Offer Office ( or, depending on the relevant Student Secretariat) by submitting the request form; the Student Secretariat, after verifying the necessary information, proceeds to attribute the corresponding contribution.

The student must pay € 60.00 as a contribution for the issuance of the diploma (and related services), including the two virtual stamp duties of € 16.00 each. Virtual stamps are due for the submission of the degree application and for the issuance of the degree diploma.
@How does it apply to the student? Automatically; the student requests the degree award and the system automatically assigns the corresponding contribution.

The student requesting course abbreviation and already holding a university degree at the same or higher level must pay a contribution of € 150.00. This contribution is not due if the request for course abbreviation is not accepted by the Course of Study or if the recognition of activities is not accepted by the student.
@How it applies to the student? Automatically; the student requests enrollment with course abbreviation and the system automatically assigns the corresponding contribution.

The student requesting the recognition of credits acquired in a previous university career must pay a contribution of € 150.00.
@How does it apply to the student? Manually; the student requesting credit recognition contacts, also via email, the Student Secretariat and Training Offer Office ( or, depending on the relevant Student Secretariat) by submitting the request form; the Student Secretariat, after verifying the necessary information, proceeds to attribute the corresponding contribution.


The student undergoing a course transfer must pay a fee of € 36.00, including a stamp duty of € 16.00.
@How does it apply to the student? Automatically; the student requests a course transfer and the system automatically assigns the corresponding fee.

The student who withdraws from studies is required to pay the balance of the registration fee due for the last academic year of enrollment made.
If the student withdraws within 15 days from the enrollment date, they may request a refund of the fees paid, except for stamps and a deduction of € 50.
If in the last academic year of enrollment, the student who withdraws from studies has not taken any career-related actions or requested any services or certifications concerning the reference year, they are not required to pay the outstanding annual fee.
@How does it apply to the student? Manually; the student who requests withdrawal from studies within 15 days of enrollment can request a refund of fees; the Student Secretariat and Training Offer Office ( or, depending on the relevant Student Secretariat) initiates the withdrawal and refund procedure, applying the corresponding fee.

If the student, instead of the digital card, has a justified need to request a physical duplicate of the registration booklet-card, they must pay a fee of € 30.00.
@How does it apply to the student? Manually; the student requests a duplicate of the registration booklet-card, submitting the request to the Student Secretariat and Training Offer Office ( or, depending on the relevant Student Secretariat), which applies the corresponding fee.

To request a duplicate diploma, a fee of € 60.00 must be paid, exclusively through the PagoPA payment system.
@How does it apply to the student? Manually; the student requests a duplicate diploma, submitting the request to the Student Secretariat and Training Offer Office ( or, depending on the relevant Student Secretariat), which applies the corresponding fee.


For the issuance of a certification of equivalence of a foreign academic degree, it is mandatory to pay a fee of € 850.00 before the final certificate is issued. This fee is not due if the applicant, in order to obtain the Italian degree, is required to enroll in a course of equal level to complete the necessary training for the acquisition of the degree. In this case, what is provided at point 7.7.1 (course abbreviation) applies.
@How it applies to the student? Manually; the student requests equivalence, submitting the request to the Student Secretariat and Training Offer Office (, which, in case of confirmation of equivalence, contacts the relevant Student Secretariat and applies the corresponding fee before issuing the equivalence.

(All the items listed below are reported in the Student Career Regulations for the academic year 2023/2024, in paragraph 7.7.2)

The late payment penalty applies from the third day of delay.
Late payment of the first installment of the registration fee, to be made no later than October 20, 2023, entails the following late fees:

  • € 15.00 for a delay of up to 10 days; 
  • € 50.00 for a delay exceeding 10 days.

The student, based on serious and justified reasons, admitted by the Rector, to enroll after the deadline of October 16, 2023, is in any case required to pay the late fee as determined above.
Late payment of the second installment, to be made no later than February 29, 2024, for those who have already paid the first installment for the same Academic Year, entails the following late fees:

  • € 15.00 for a delay of up to 10 days; 
  • € 50.00 for a delay between 11 and 30 days; 
  • € 100.00 for a delay between 31 and 90 days; 
  • € 180.00 for a delay exceeding 90 days.

Late payment of the third installment, to be made no later than April 15, 2024, for those who have already paid the first and second installments for the same Academic Year, entails the following late fee:

  • € 15.00 for a delay of up to 10 days; 
  • € 50.00 for a delay between 11 and 30 days; 
  • € 100.00 for a delay between 31 and 90 days; 
  • € 180.00 for a delay exceeding 90 days.

Failure to enroll in an entire Academic Year and the consequent failure to pay both the first and subsequent installments, entails the application of an overall penalty of € 250.00. The student can regularize the situation only by enrolling in the next Academic Year. The same penalty is also due if the student has renewed enrollment "online" and entered the data relating to self-certification within the deadlines but has not paid the first, second, or third installment.
The bulletin for the payment of the penalty, for any reason, will be generated together with the subsequent installments of the registration fees.
No penalty amount is due for payments related to the virtual stamp of € 16.00.
@How does it apply to the student? Automatically; the student makes the payment, and upon registration of the payment, if made late compared to the deadlines, the system automatically applies the corresponding late fee.



Failure to declare or communicate to the University by 31/12/2023 the ISEE certification for the purpose of calculating fees will result in a late fee of € 50.00 for late submission. This sanction does not apply to late registrations resulting from rankings for access to courses with a programmed number of places, enrollment in Master's degree programs by 15/01/2024, and similar cases.
@How does it apply to the student Manually; the student requests late insertion of the ISEE to the Student Secretariat and Training Offer Office ( or, depending on the relevant Student Secretariat), which proceeds to load the corresponding fee.

(All the items listed below are reported in the Student Career Regulations for the academic year 2023-2024, in paragraph 7.7.3)

Diploma holders, graduates, and students enrolled abroad are allowed to attend individual courses offered by all study courses at the University. The registration fee is € 116.00 (including stamp duty) per year, as a fixed contribution, regardless of the number of CFUs of the subjects. To this amount, a contribution of € 7.50 for each CFU to be obtained must be added.
@How does it apply to the student Automatically; the student enrolls in single courses and contacts the Student Secretariat and Training Offer Office (relevant Student Secretariat) to choose the subjects to be included; the system automatically applies the corresponding fee based on the CFUs entered.

Participation in the state exam for qualification as a Medical Doctor is subject to the payment of a fee of € 250.00.
Participation in the state exam for qualification in all other professions is subject to the payment of a fee of € 180.00.
Participation in the supplementary exam for Chartered Accountant is subject to the payment of a fee of € 100.00, in accordance with the provisions of Article 3, paragraph 6 of Ministry of Education Decree 63/2016.
Late submission of the application for admission to the State Exam results in the application of a late fee of € 50.00.
@How does it apply to the student ? Automatically; the student enrolls in a State Exam and the system automatically calculates the corresponding fee.



Participation in admission tests for courses with a fixed number of places is subject to the payment of a fee of € 30.00. An exception is made for admission tests organized by third-party entities (Cineca, Cisia, etc.), for which reference is made to the specific notice.
@How does it apply to the student ? Automatically; the student registers for an admission test, and the system automatically calculates the corresponding fee.


Participation in the call for enrollment in subsequent years to the first for courses with national programmed access is subject to the payment of a fee of € 100.00. In the event that the student is in a position to enroll in subsequent years at the University, the fee will be offset against the course enrollment fees, if due; if the student is not required to pay course enrollment fees (e.g., No Tax Area), the fee will not be refunded in any case. If the student is not in a position to enroll, the fee will not be refunded in any case.
@How does it apply to the student ?? Automatically; the student applies for an evaluation contest, and the system automatically calculates the corresponding fee.