Enrollment for Non-EU Students

If you are a non-EU citizen residing abroad and wish to study at the University of Sassari, you must first submit the pre-registration application to the Italian Representation within the deadlines set by the Ministry.

For the academic year 2024/2025, the interministerial provisions  “Procedure per l'ingresso, il soggiorno e l'immatricolazione degli studenti richiedenti visto, relative ai corsi della formazione superiore in Italia, presso le istituzioni della formazione superiore valide per l'anno accademico 2024-2025”, and subsequent updates, apply to university enrollment of international students applying for a visa.

nternational students requiring an entry visa to Italy for long stays can be enrolled within the quota of places reserved for each study program according to the type of access provided (national or local programmed access).

Italian candidates holding foreign qualifications, candidates from the European Union residing anywhere, and those from outside the European Union regularly residing in Italy, as provided for in article 39, paragraph 5 of legislative decree 25/07/1998, no. 286, as amended by article 26 of law 30 July 2002, no. 189 "Amendment to legislation on immigration and asylum" access university courses without quota limitations and apply for enrollment directly according to the procedures and deadlines established by the bachelor's or master's degree programs.

International students applying for a visa to access bachelor's and master's degree programs must submit the university pre-registration application electronically through the UNIVERSITALY portal and complete the pre-registration application.

The relevant visa issuance procedures must be completed by November 30, 2023, in order to allow for the effective enrollment of international students and the subsequent payment of university fees, unless otherwise indicated by the Ministry of University and Research in agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, also based on the evolving situation of the current pandemic.

The University participates in various international projects through which reserved places are provided for certain types of international students (such as the "Marco Polo" Project, aimed at Chinese citizens; the "Formed" Project, aimed at students from the Maghreb Area).

For further information, preferably contact the Student Office and Educational Offer via email (Ms. Maria Rita Cubeddu: rcubeddu@uniss.it).