Atomic Force Microscope - AFM The Asylum Research 3D instrumentation consists of a basic unit that includes the atomic force microscope "head," scanner, controller, and anti-vibration system that ensures the stability of the head during scanning. A range of accessories are then present and available for the various analytical techniques that can be implenetated on the instrumentation. Functionality Topographic analysis on solid-phase, organic and inorganic chemical systems exposed to air or present in solution. Possibility to conduct analysis in different modes: "AC mode" and "Contact mode".Additional possible analyses:Piezoresponse of materials (Piezoresponse Force Microscopy) in "Single frequency" and "Dark" mode ( Dual Amplitude Resonance Traking)Kelvin Probe Force MicroscopyEvaluation of the piezoelectric constant d33 proper to piezoelectric materials Possible fields of application Materials science: nanoscale analysis of surface morphology for massive systems and thin films. Naviga la sezione ALPHA BRUKER FT- IR Portable Spectrometer Atomic Force Microscope - AFM Automated Soil CO2 Flux System LI-8100A & LI-8150 Multiplexer Bruker Avance III Nanobay 400MHz NMR Spectrometer Capillary Electrophoresis coupled with CE Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer - MS/MS D2 PHASER BRUKER X-ray Diffractometer Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer - DMA Eddy-Flux Micrometeorological Station - Eddy Covariance Electrophysiology laboratory Elemental analyzer EN CHN Flow cytofluorometer - F-CM Gas chromatograph coupled with GC Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer - MS/MS Genetic Analyzer (CE) by capillary electrophoresis for HID applications LUMOS BRUKER FT-IR Microscope Laboratory for dating by the luminescence method Leica TCS SP5 Confocal Microscope Liquid Chromatograph Coupled with High Resolution Mass Spectrometer (Orbitrap) UPLC - HRMS Liquid chromatograph coupled with mass spectrometer (QTRAP) - UPLC - MS Phenotype Microarray High-throughput method for global analysis of microbial phenotypes - PM Plasma source mass spectrometer inductively coupled HPLC-ICP-MS Portable 3D Scanner - 3D SCAN Portable RAMAN Spectrometer Portable X-ray fluorescence (Bruker Tracer IV) Pyrosequencer - PiroMark-Q24 RES Lab: Detectors And Acquisition Systems Laboratory Scanning Electron Microscope - SEM Sorvall WX 100 Ultracentrifuge Transmission Electron Microscope - TEM X-ray diffractometer with rotating anode source - XRD X-ray microtomograph (Bruker skyscan 1172) XANTUS RIGAKU Raman Spectrometer (2 machines) Status Available Collocated Dipartimento di Chimica e Farmacia – 3° pianoVia Vienna 2 Use Mondays through Fridays, subject to contact with referring teachers. Calendar Contacts Gabriele Mulas 079229524