Scanning Electron Microscope - SEM

Microscopio Elettronico a Scansione (FEI Quanta 200) a pressione variabile e in alto vuoto (High-vacuum, Low-Vacuum e ESEM mode), permette l’analisi di materiali conduttivi, non-conduttivi e incompatibili per alto vuoto. Microanalisi EDS - Genesis XM2i - Detector Apollo 10SSD LNfree Camera Peltier

Scanning Electron Microscope (FEI Quanta 200) with variable pressure and high vacuum (High-vacuum, Low-Vacuum, and ESEM mode), enables analysis of conductive, non-conductive, and incompatible materials by high vacuum.

  • EDS Microanalysis - Genesis XM2i - Apollo 10SSD Detector LNfree
  • Camera Peltier


Analysis in biological and materials science.

Three imaging modes. The "high vacuum mode" (HV) is a conventional SEM mode with the need for conventional sample preparation. In the "low vacuum mode" (LV), electrically non-conductive samples can be observed without the need for a conductive layer (e.g., carbon, gold, etc.). In the "ESEM mode" (ESEM), "wet" biological samples can be examined in their "natural," viable state.

Characterization of materials with chemical composition analysis by EDS microanalysis.

The four-quadrant display simultaneously provides surface information and phase distribution through live imaging of secondary electron (SE) and backscattered electron (BSE) images.

Possible fields of application

Biological and Materials Science.

Service - performance

  • Biological analysis (in LV and ESEM)
  • Chemical analysis of materials