RES Lab: Detectors And Acquisition Systems Laboratory

Lab RES: Laboratorio Rivelatori E Sistemi di Acquisizione

The laboratory includes instrumentation suitable for performing simulation, characterization and testing of detectors for ionizing radiation.

Activities include the development of prototype detectors for applications in Environmental Physics, Medical Physics, Cosmic Ray Physics and Basic Physics. The activities are within University projects and projects funded by the National Institute of Nuclear Physics.

The laboratory consists of the following instrumentation:
Digital Oscilloscope 4GHz, 4 CH 20GS/s ; Desktop HV Power Supply High Accuracy Module (USB/Ethernet/T.screen) 4 Ch Reversible 5.5 kV/20 µA; Dual Digital Multi Channel Analyzer (HV & Preamplifier PS) ; Digitizer 16+1 Channel 12-bit 5 GS/s; Digital Detector Emulator; Low Noise Fast Rise Time Charge Sensitive Preamplifier; Charge Sensitive Preamplifier with Timing; Wideband Amplifier.


Characterization of sensors; Characterization of electronic devices; Development of acquisition systems for detectors; Development of detection systems.

Possible fields of application

Environmental monitoring, Dosimetry, Particle detection.

Service - performance

  • Characterization of particle detectors
  • Development of acquisition systems for detectors
  • Development of radiation detection systems