Elemental analyzer EN CHN The CHN Leco 628 Analyzer is an elemental combustion determiner that covers a wide range of applications in organic matrices from food to fuels. Different configurations (nitrogen/protein, carbon/nitrogen, carbon/hydrogen) can be created.Simultaneous independent detectors are used for determination in order to reduce the analysis time. Combustion gas treatment and dosing of the analyzed aliquot significantly extend the life of the reagents used, reducing the cost per analysis and instrument downtime, in fact reaching 14 analyses per hour keeps the cost per analysis low. Results are acquired within 4 to 5 minutes for all elements under determination and for all sample masses. Capable of handling macro samples from 750 mg solids and up to 1 ml liquids. Complies with AOAC, ASTM, ISO, AACC, and ASBC approved methods. Ability to use a wide range of CRMs in order to improve data quality and minimize errors due to different matrices. Samples can be loaded onto the instrument in large numbers, 30 at a time, as it is equipped with a carousel, which has the functionality of an autosampler. Functionality The instrument can be used for the analysis of CHN elements in fuels (coal, coke, oils), chemical processes (resins, adhesives, plastics), agriculture (soil/plants, feed, flour, oilseeds), nutritional labeling (protein), food and feed, and many other applications, and a wide variety of biological samples can also be analyzed with high precision and accuracy using the same method and calibration. Possible fields of application Agricultural (soil, vegetable, plant, flour analysis), Livestock (milk, feed, manure analysis), Industrial (oils, coal), Food (protein determination), Biological, Chemical. Naviga la sezione ALPHA BRUKER FT- IR Portable Spectrometer Atomic Force Microscope - AFM Automated Soil CO2 Flux System LI-8100A & LI-8150 Multiplexer Bruker Avance III Nanobay 400MHz NMR Spectrometer Capillary Electrophoresis coupled with CE Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer - MS/MS D2 PHASER BRUKER X-ray Diffractometer Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer - DMA Eddy-Flux Micrometeorological Station - Eddy Covariance Electrophysiology laboratory Elemental analyzer EN CHN Flow cytofluorometer - F-CM Gas chromatograph coupled with GC Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer - MS/MS Genetic Analyzer (CE) by capillary electrophoresis for HID applications LUMOS BRUKER FT-IR Microscope Laboratory for dating by the luminescence method Leica TCS SP5 Confocal Microscope Liquid Chromatograph Coupled with High Resolution Mass Spectrometer (Orbitrap) UPLC - HRMS Liquid chromatograph coupled with mass spectrometer (QTRAP) - UPLC - MS Phenotype Microarray High-throughput method for global analysis of microbial phenotypes - PM Plasma source mass spectrometer inductively coupled HPLC-ICP-MS Portable 3D Scanner - 3D SCAN Portable RAMAN Spectrometer Portable X-ray fluorescence (Bruker Tracer IV) Pyrosequencer - PiroMark-Q24 RES Lab: Detectors And Acquisition Systems Laboratory Scanning Electron Microscope - SEM Sorvall WX 100 Ultracentrifuge Transmission Electron Microscope - TEM X-ray diffractometer with rotating anode source - XRD X-ray microtomograph (Bruker skyscan 1172) XANTUS RIGAKU Raman Spectrometer (2 machines) Status Available Acquisition November 2012 Collocated Dipartimento di AgrariaVia E. De Nicola s.n.c.Palazzo Agrobiologico - Laboratorio di Pedologia - 3° pianostanza 43 (Tav. 6.1/E) Use Availability of a technical manager to ensure activities to support the use of the tool.For information and reservations refer to:M.A. Deroma Dipartimento di Agraria tel. 079 229350 email: mderoma@uniss.it Calendar