Automated Soil CO2 Flux System LI-8100A & LI-8150 Multiplexer The LI-8100A instrumentation is a fully automated system for measuring CO2 fluxes from the ground. Functionality The analyzer control unit powers the Long-Term Measurement Chamber (Long-Term Chamber, LI-8100-104) within which the air is sampled, as well as housing the Infrared Gas Analyzer (IRGA), which measures changes in CO2 and H2O concentration of air emitted from the soil and sampled in the chamber, and electronic components. The system allows the installation of interfaces for the application of auxiliary sensors, such as those for measuring temperature and soil moisture.The data acquired by the instrument, saved in the instrument's internal memory or in a Compact Flash memory card, can be transferred to a computer and properly processed with appropriate software. Through the LI-8100-664 Trace Gas Sampling Kit, which is applied in the air inlet circuit to the LI-8100A analyzer, it is possible to manually sample telluric air in order to externally analyze the concentration of other trace gases emitted from the ground, such as nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). The LI-8150 Multiplexer is an accessory to the LI-8100A that makes it possible to connect up to sixteen chambers at the same time, which are controlled, according to a programmed sequence, by the LI-8100A analyzer's control unit.The LI-8150 expands the measurement capability of the LI-8100A and brings a solution for long-term unattended measurements both in time (with automatic measurements at user-defined temporal cadence, e.g., hourly) and in space, allowing control of the number of chambers needed for experimental needs. Possible fields of application The scope of application of instrumentation is wide-ranging. The scientific interest on monitoring and estimation of GHG fluxes from the soil may have different assumptions and research hypotheses from each other, but accumulated to assess the impact of anthropogenic activities on the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and thus potentially climate-changing. Service - performance Unattended measurement of continuous CO2 emissions from soil. Naviga la sezione ALPHA BRUKER FT- IR Portable Spectrometer Atomic Force Microscope - AFM Automated Soil CO2 Flux System LI-8100A & LI-8150 Multiplexer Bruker Avance III Nanobay 400MHz NMR Spectrometer Capillary Electrophoresis coupled with CE Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer - MS/MS D2 PHASER BRUKER X-ray Diffractometer Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer - DMA Eddy-Flux Micrometeorological Station - Eddy Covariance Electrophysiology laboratory Elemental analyzer EN CHN Flow cytofluorometer - F-CM Gas chromatograph coupled with GC Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer - MS/MS Genetic Analyzer (CE) by capillary electrophoresis for HID applications LUMOS BRUKER FT-IR Microscope Laboratory for dating by the luminescence method Leica TCS SP5 Confocal Microscope Liquid Chromatograph Coupled with High Resolution Mass Spectrometer (Orbitrap) UPLC - HRMS Liquid chromatograph coupled with mass spectrometer (QTRAP) - UPLC - MS Phenotype Microarray High-throughput method for global analysis of microbial phenotypes - PM Plasma source mass spectrometer inductively coupled HPLC-ICP-MS Portable 3D Scanner - 3D SCAN Portable RAMAN Spectrometer Portable X-ray fluorescence (Bruker Tracer IV) Pyrosequencer - PiroMark-Q24 RES Lab: Detectors And Acquisition Systems Laboratory Scanning Electron Microscope - SEM Sorvall WX 100 Ultracentrifuge Transmission Electron Microscope - TEM X-ray diffractometer with rotating anode source - XRD X-ray microtomograph (Bruker skyscan 1172) XANTUS RIGAKU Raman Spectrometer (2 machines) Status Available Acquisition 2013 Collocated Azienda Didattico Sperimentale "Mauro Deidda"S.V. "Rio d'Ottava" s.n.c. Use Its location is variable, depending on the locations of the experimental field activities in which CO2 and other GHG fluxes from the soil are measured. After being deployed in the three-year period 2014-2016 at the Arborea district, as part of an activity in collaboration with the Arborea Producers' Cooperative, at the present time the instrumentation is deployed at the "Mauro Deidda" Experimental Teaching Company of the University of Sassari.The instrumentation, which as described operates continuously (24 h on 24), can be viewed during the company's normal opening hours, Monday through Friday, from 7:30 am to 1:30 pm. Calendar Contacts Pier Paolo Roggero 079229226