Flow cytofluorometer - F-CM


ACCURI C6 dual-laser cytofluorometer (488 nm and 640 nm)
14.7 mW 640 nm Diode Red Laser
20 mW 488 nm Solid State Blue Laser


Forward (0 degrees, +/-13)
Side (90 degrees, +/-13)
4 colors, standard optical filters
FL1 533/30 nm (e.g. FITC/GFP)
FL2 585/40 nm (e.g. PE/PI)
FL3 > 670 nm (e.g. PerCP, PerCP-Cy™5.5, PE-Cy7)
FL4 675/25 nm (e.g. APC)
MESF FITC < 150; PE < 100

Possible fields of application

Cell biology