X-ray diffractometer with rotating anode source - XRD

 Diffrattometro a Raggi X con sorgente ad anodo rotante - XRD

High-emission and high-resolution X-ray diffractometer equipped with 9 kW Rotating Anode X-ray generator. The diffractometer can easily change geometry from Bragg-Brentan to parallel beam without removing the multilayer optics. The Rigaku system allows in-plane measurements so that structures perpendicular to the sample surface can be analyzed in thin-film form while keeping the sample in a horizontal position.

The system includes kα1 Johansson optics for high-resolution measurements using a single feature line. The diffractometer offers the ability to make measurements on micro areas (ø 0.4mm), and SAXS measurements (structures of 1-100nm can be analyzed).


The instrumentation is designed to be able to carry out crystallographic analysis on materials with different degrees of crystallinity in the form of powder samples, thin films, and on massive samples. The analysis of the data obtained by diffractometric analysis can lead to the structural resolution of the analyzed samples by localizing the atoms in the elementary cell as well as to the quantitative vlutation of microstructural parameters (lattice strain, size of crestallites and relative abundance of phases in multiphase systems).

Possible fields of application

Materials science.

Service - performance

  • Biological analysis (in LV and ESEM)
  • Chemical analysis of materials