Phenotype Microarray High-throughput method for global analysis of microbial phenotypes - PM

Phenotype Microarray Metodo high-throughput per l’analisi globale di fenotipi microbici - PM

The Biolog GEN III Omnilog COMBO PLUS - BIOLOG Phenotype MicroArrays TM system consists of the GEN III Omnilog incubator and reader instrument dedicated to aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and the Microstation system instrument for identification of yeasts and filamentous fungi.

The system is complete with Software: Omnilog ID, Microstation and Phenotype MicroArray PM. The complete system thus allows automatic identification of G+ and G- Bacteria, Anaerobic Bacteria, Yeasts and Fungi, with the installation of the appropriate databases. Installation of all the proposed databases allows identification of a complete panel of more than 2,000 microorganisms.

In addition, the system, being equipped with PM Software, can be used as an automated system for the characterization of bacteria, yeasts and fungi using Phenotype MicroArray technology.


Advanced and automated phenotypic characterization of microorganisms of agri-food, environmental and bio-medical interest; Study of gene function in mutant, natural and induced microorganisms; Study of determinants of pathogenicity and epidemiology of bacteria, yeasts and fungi.

Possible fields of application

Agricultural, Veterinary, Medical Microbiology.

Service - performance

Advanced phenotypic characterization of microorganisms.