ScienzArena Space Urban campus of the "quadrilateral" - Student hub I floor The ScienzArena space was created to host workshops and discussion games for different target audiences.In the morning, the space hosted several reservation-based activities dedicated to secondary school students, with the following program: 9:30 - 10:30Mixed reality methods applied to neuroscienceInteractive workshop with experiences using wearable visor to visualize neural networks in the brain with Sergio Solinas, Paolo Enrico and Martina Rizza (UNISS - Dept. of Biomedical Sciences) 10:45 - 11:45Ecological footprint: how much does lifestyle affect our Planet?How much do our activities affect the environment? The meeting aimed to sensitize the younger generation to understand how lifestyle can contribute to altering the Earth System and to reflect on some simple actions to take to safeguard it.Referees: Serena Marras (UNISS - Dept. of Agriculture), Valentina Bacciu (CNR - IBE), Alessio Menini (CMCC Foundation) Partners: CMCC Foundation, CNR IBEmaggiori info 12:00 - 13:00 Playing chess with chemistry - drug research for the fight against cancerInteractive pathway on advances and issues in drug research for the fight against cancer and recent strategies for the development of innovative anticancer drugs, by pharmaceutical chemist Mario Sechi (UNISS - Dept. of Medicine, Surgery and Pharmacy), AIRC researcher partner: Fondazione AIRCmore details 15:30 - 17:15Mixed reality methods applied to neuroscienceInteractive workshop with experiences using wearable visor to visualize neural networks in the brain with Sergio Solinas, Paolo Enrico and Martina RIzza (UNISS - Dept. of Biomedical Sciences) 17:30 - 19:30Inclusive UniVersoDiscussion game useful to develop a discussion among participants with respect to the theme of a "University for all," facilitated by Valentina Ghibellini and the FOIST Lab (UNISS - Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences)more details Naviga la sezione Sharper 2023 Pre-events - Bioblitz Sardinia Pre-events SHARPER Sassari 2023 Waiting for the Researchers' Night 2023 Science Exhibits and Interactive Laboratories 2023 UNISSPlay! ScienzArena Space Law School Debate Hall Proposals for schools by reservation Other events September 29, 2023 September 30 Events.