Other events September 29, 2023 Sassari The land software university. Research for Sardinia17:00 - 20:00 Fondazione di Sardegna - Via Carlo Alberto 7Presentation of the results of research activities funded by the Foundation of Sardinia (Annual 2015/16) and the National Plan for Open Science.The event has been accredited for research credits for UNISS doctoral studentsContact person: Giuseppe Pulina (UNISS - Pro-rector for Research)Partner: Fondazione di Sardegna Lula (NU) Live Marathon web sharper: Research, social development and land development: UNISS's three goals for the Einstein Telescope bid14:30 - 15:00Debate on the objectives of University of Sassari in developing the Lula area, a candidate site for the Einstein Telescope.Together with the Rector of the University of Sassari Gavino Mariotti, Mayor of Lula Mario Calia, Prof. Marica Branchesi Astrophysicist, Fabrizio Atzori Director of the Geomining Park of Sardinia, Barbara Polo Member of Parliament and Pier Luigi Saiu Assessor of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia - Moderated: Paolo Mastino. streaming: www.sharper-night.itmedia partner: SardegnaLiveContact person: Antonio Varcasia (UNISS - Rector's delegate for multimedia productions for public engagement) Live Marathon web sharper: Sos Enattos, Lula, into the realm of silence to listen to the universe17:30 - 18:15We went inside the Sos Enattos mine in Lula to discover an unusual place of science and understand what its future might be, with UNISS researchers and partners from the University of Cagliari, INFN and the municipalities of Nuoro and Lula. streaming: www.sharper-night.itmedia partner: SardegnaLiveContact person: Antonio Varcasia (UNISS - Rector's delegate for multimedia productions for public engagement) photo by G.Alvito An unexpected journey between Barbagia and black holes18:30 - 20:30 Piazzale in front of the Mining Museum - Str. vicinale per miniera di Sos EnattosPopular seminars:The Exploration of the Universe in the Age of Multi-Messenger Astronomy, M. Branchesi, Gran Sasso Science Institute, INFN and INAFIn tour of Barbagia to listen to the breath of Sardinia, D. Rozza, University of Sassari and INFN Lab. Naz. of the SouthMission (Im)possible: weighing the void, E. Calloni, University of Naples "Federico II" and INFN Naples SectionSardinia FABER: a geophysical observatory in the heart of Sardinia, Carlo Giunchi, INGV Pisa sectionExhibition Stands:The geology and georesources of SardiniaGravity: this (un)knownPrinciple of operation of the technique for measuring Gravitational Waves: The InterferometerEinstein Telescope at Sos Enattos: a development opportunity for SardiniaThe INFN ExperimentsSky observation with the Turritana Astronomical AssociationContact person: Domenico D'Urso (UNISS - Dept. of Chemical, Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences)Partners: Municipality of Lula, Municipality of Nuoro, University of Cagliari, University of Naples, INFN, INAF, Turritana Astronomical Society Alghero (SS) From the gorilla to the honey bee: self-medication in the animal world18:00 - 20:00 Az. Agrituristica Sa Mandra - AlgheroEvent organized by the apidology group of the Department of Agriculture of the University of Sassari, in collaboration with the Narami Sa Mandra review.Aimed at adults and children with the objective of raising awareness of the world of bees and raising awareness of animal biodiversity, through studies of self-medication behaviors. Popular talks were presented and the audience of about 90 people were involved in playful interaction workshops.Contact person: Michelina Pusceddu (UNISS - Dept. of Agriculture)Partners: Rassegna Nàrami Sa Mandra, Az.SAgrituristica Sa Mandra Naviga la sezione Sharper 2023 Pre-events - Bioblitz Sardinia Pre-events SHARPER Sassari 2023 Waiting for the Researchers' Night 2023 Science Exhibits and Interactive Laboratories 2023 UNISSPlay! ScienzArena Space Law School Debate Hall Proposals for schools by reservation Other events September 29, 2023 September 30 Events.