Urban campus of the "quadrilateral" - Student hub


9:30 - 13:30

16:30 - 19:30    

At the gaming tables with UNISSPlay!

Logical, Mathematical and Table Games. UnissPlay! was an opportunity to bring families and citizens of all ages closer to the Science of Games. Researchers, CSI-Sassari Certified Play Operators, teachers and students accompanied the participants during the game phase and were supportive in debriefing during the after-game reflection phase.

Referees: Carlo Pensavalle (UNISS - Dept. of Sciences CC.FF.MM.NN), Davide Barone (Referent Area Board Game CSI Sassari), Roberto Furfaro (Referent Science in the Square and Researchers' Night ITI Angioy Sassari)

Partner: CSI Sassari, ITI Angioy Sassari