Pilot Projects Invitation to the presentation of joint university-business pilot development projects The University of Sassari, as part of the INNOVA.RE. project - P.O.R. 2007-2013, funds pilot actions aimed at:1. Increasing the demand for and use of specialized know-how by local businesses.2. Promoting an operational culture of research and development in the main productive sectors of the regional economy.3. Developing synergies and networks involving businesses and universities for the transfer of technology and innovation diffusion activities.The development projects should be non-competitive pilot projects for technology transfer activities in economic sectors, services, and cutting-edge technologies related to research activities conducted within the University. These projects are expected to have an impact on businesses or groups of businesses in the regional territory. Applicants The development projects must be proposed by individual researchers and/or research groups from the University of Sassari in collaboration with one or more companies engaged in economic activities consistent with the proposed development and innovation themes, and operating in Sardinia (the companies participate in the development project on a pro bono basis).The projects must be completed no later than June 30, 2015.The financial allocation amounts to €1,000,000.00. The maximum grant amount per project eligible for funding is €100,000.00. Eligible Expenses (as a percentage of total funding):Design and consultancy fees (10%)Acquisition of goods (20%)Acquisition of services, activation of research grants, costs of teaching staff and structured researchers (50%)General and ancillary expenses (10%)Costs for dissemination activities and missions directly related to the project (10%)Project Requirements:Projects must include a description of all research and development actions to be undertaken, detailing activities, timelines, and objectives.Evaluation Criteria for Proposals:Scientific and technological expertise of the research group in the project's sector of interest.Partnerships and added value. Partnerships with highly qualified entities within the business and entrepreneurial system of Sardinia.Degree of innovation.Completeness and clarity of the proposal presentation.Development potential, local impact, and sustainability.Adequacy of the financial plan.Equal opportunities.Extended Application Deadline: July 25, 2014Given the submissions already made, the submission procedure is now simplified:"By 1:00 PM on July 25, 2014, without exception, all original documentation in paper and electronic PDF format (applications and attachments 1, 2, 3, and 4) must be delivered in a sealed envelope labeled 'Project Proposal Submission - Innova.re Intervention WP 2.3 - Scientific Supervisor: (first name and last name),' through the protocol of the University (Sassari - Piazza Università, 21) to the Technology Transfer Office.The model specified in Attachment 3 - Financial Plan must also be submitted electronically in PDF and Excel formats." documentation Invito presentazione Azioni Pilota All.5 - Scheda di convenzione All.7 - Informazione e pubblicità Piano finanziario All.4 - Lettera di intenti All.1. - Modello domanda All.2 - Formulario Vademecum Rettifiche Bando Azioni Pilota FAQ Semplificazione invio domande Naviga la sezione Intellectual property Job placement Patents Pilot projects Project Management and Reporting The ranking of joint university-business development projects final event and results Services for businesses Startup - Spin Off Training and orientation