Startup - Spin Off University spin-offs are innovative entrepreneurial initiatives, with a high content of knowledge and/or technology that arise on the initiative and with the involvement of one or more researchers (including unstructured ones) and with the aim of economically exploiting the results of research activity, know-how, patents and scientific-technological skills matured within the University.The business idea must be based on original, innovative products of real industrial applicability, with commercial potential and possibly protected. Proponents are required to become entrepreneurs in their own right, taking full business risk and planning in organizational, accounting, financial and managerial terms for the activity.The Office Third Mission encourages the creation of Spin-Off and innovative Start-Up companies by providing business planning consulting, training and pre-incubation actions for business development and incubation groups, and fund-rising support. Naviga la sezione Intellectual property Job placement Patents Pilot projects Services for businesses Startup - Spin Off Spin Offs supported by the University of Sassari. Training and orientation Documents Format proposta Spin Off Regolamento Spin Off Archivio spin off Bioecopest s.r.l. Oben s.r.l. Unistrains s.r.l. Contacts Ufficio terza missione e territorio07100 SASSARI