The ranking of joint university-business development projects

Ten projects have been admitted for funding under the Notice addressed to researchers and research teams for the presentation of joint University-Enterprise development projects, having the nature of pilot projects, financed by the INNOVA.RE project (POR Sardinia 2007-2013): the complete ranking list can be consulted in the attached file.

In case of renunciation/withdrawal by the proposing party of a project deemed eligible and/or fundable, the ranking list will be scrolled.

As per Art. 8 of the Notice, the ranking list is to be considered for all purposes as a formal communication.  

Within 10 working days (November 5, 2014) of the publication of the ranking list, the winners must:

1.Deliver, through the Protocol Office, to the Technology Transfer Office of the University of Sassari:

  • The agreement between the partners, signed and drafted on the basis of the outline in the notice, with attached identity documents (countersigned) of the legal managers of the companies and signed and stamped by the Director of the Department;
  • The financial plan in hard copy, drafted according to the model attached to the notice, countersigned and stamped by the Director of the Department;
  • The signed declaration of acceptance of funding drafted according to the available form.

2. Send, by the same date, to including in the subject line of the email the following wording: "Innova.Re. - Project Financial Plan (Project Acronym)," the excel file of the financial plan prepared according to the template attached to the Notice.

For access to the administrative records of the Notice it is necessary to follow the procedure provided by the University.