final event and results On Friday, October 16, 2015, from 9 am to 2 pm, at the outdoor space near the building at via Rockefeller 54, the projects and results of the 10 Joint University-Industry Development Pilot Projects, financed by the University of Sassari under WP 2.3 Organization of Pilot Actions of the Innova.Re Project (POR Sardegna 2007-2013), will be presented:1. AIMS - Intellectual Accessibility to Sustainable Museum Sector: Museology Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Antonella Camarda Partner Companies: Tiscali spa and Fondazione Nivola2. CANOPP - Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of New Bivalent Ligands Active on MOP-CB1 Receptors with Potential Analgesic Activity Sector: Pharmaceuticals Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Gérard Aime Pinna Partner Company: KemoTech S.R.L.3. ECOCYNARA - Innovation towards Sustainability of Artichoke Farming Systems at the Business Scale: “Spinoso Sardo” under Organic Regime Sector: Agronomy, Herbaceous Crops, and Genetics Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Luigi Ledda Partner Companies: Sinis Agricola, Consorzio Agrario del Sinis - Cabras4. IFSNS-Cheese-S - Innovate the Food Safety Network for Sheep Cheese in Sardinia Sector: Inspection of Animal-Origin Foods Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Enrico Pietro Luigi De Santis Partner Companies: F.lli Pinna Industria Casearia S.P.A, Cooperativa Allevatori Ovini C.A.O. soc. coop. Agr.5. INNOVAQUA - Water: Process and Product Innovation Sector: Food Technology Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Luigi Montanari Partner Company: San Martino S.R.L.6. LANDY - LANdscape DYnamics: Representation, Monitoring, and Communication Strategies for Urban and Environmental Processes and Associated Risks Sector: Territorial Information. Software Tools and Applications for Land Management Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Enrico Cicalò Partner Company: NeMeA Sistemi7. MADAR - Mathematical Models for Simulating Structural Degradation Phenomena in Archaeological Areas. The Case of the Archaeological Park of Porto Torres Sector: Mathematics Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Margherita Solci Partner Companies: Impresa Luciano Sini, Nurjana Technologies8. MICROBEE(R) - Microbiological Innovations for Microbreweries Sector: Food Technology Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Marilena Budroni Partner Companies: Costa Ovest S.N.C., Luppolo & Birra S.R.L., Dolmen S.R.L., Microbirrificio Lara, Birrificio P3 S.N.C., La Volpe e il Luppolo di Frau Christian, Azienda Agricola Michele Piras, Birrificio Nora S.R.L.9. PASGLUFREE - Traditional Gluten-Free Fresh Pasta: Extension of the Shelf Life of Seada Sector: Food Technology Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Antonio Piga Partner Companies: Isola della Salute di Angela Mureddu, La Sfoglia d’Oro di Calisai Francesco & C. S.N.C., Pastificio Sapori di Sardegna, Enodolciaria10. U.L.T.R.A. - UAV and Lidar Technology for Remote Sensing in Archaeology Sector: Archaeology Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Marco Milanese Partner Companies: Globi S.R.L, Oben S.R.L.The event includes: an exhibition area, oral presentation of the Projects, and the inauguration of the FabLab Uniss. Naviga la sezione Project Management and Reporting The ranking of joint university-business development projects final event and results