Study periods in Italy and abroad and increase of the scholarship

This guide provides practical information for doctoral students on how to organise stays in Italy or abroad and apply for a scholarship increase, in line with the University Regulations on PhD Courses.

1. Stays in Italy and abroad

PhD students are entitled to carry out periods of research at research facilities or organisations in Italy or abroad, subject to authorisation by the Course Coordinator or the PhD Course Council.

Procedure for authorisation

  • Duration up to 6 months: Apply to the Course Coordinator for authorisation.
  • Duration of more than 6 months: Apply to the PhD Course Council, which will decide on authorisation.
  • At the end of the stay, the PhD student must hand in a certificate of attendance issued by the host institution.

Maximum duration

  • Ordinary doctorates: Up to 12 months.
  • Doctorates in co-tutorship or in agreement with foreign partners: Up to 18 months.

2. Scholarship Increase

Scholarship holders are entitled to a 50% increase for periods abroad lasting between 15 days and 12 months.


The increase is granted upon presentation of the required documentation, including authorisation for the stay. It cannot be authorised for stays in the same city of residence as the PhD student.

How to request the bonus

Come richiedere la maggiorazione

  1. Before departure:
    • Obtain the authorisation for the stay abroad.
    • Send the scholarship surcharge request form to the Protocol Office at
  2. After your stay:
    • Present the certificate of attendance issued by the host institution to the Higher Education Office.

Information on the status of the application

There is no need to contact the Protocol Office. To check the status of your file, please contact the Higher Education Office: