Form for the recognition of free choice activities When to certify the activity of your choice The activities proposed by UniSS doctoral courses may be attended, as desired, by PhD students of other courses. In this case they are counted among the other "University activities of the doctoral student's choice" and there is no need to request a certificate of attendance and/or the form of recognition of chosen activities signed by the teachers/speakers/organisers.In this case participation in the activity does not have to be demonstrated by the PhD student because, as it is organised by a UniSS PhD course, it is verifiable. The activities within the University are all indicated on the calendar and therefore recoverable. The doctoral student must indicate the activity carried out in the end-of-year report.The certificate of participation and/or the form of recognition of signed activities should be requested only for activities outside the University or for those activities organised within the University but which are external to both the courses and the Doctoral School. For activities that are communicated as activities of specific courses of the University the use of the form is not necessary.The form and/or the certificates of participation serve only to have an acknowledgement from the organisers that a doctoral student has followed an external activity and that it can therefore be considered valid for the recognition of credits. Otherwise, there would be no way of knowing that an external activity has been carried out. Form for the recognition of free choice activities Naviga la sezione Activate your mailbox Apply for European certification (Doctor europeus) Apply for suspension of attendance obligations Apply for thesis in co-supervision Collect the Doctorate Parchment Form for the recognition of free choice activities Justification form for absence from work Renounce the scholarship Request certificates Request the budget for research activities Simultaneous enrolment Study periods in Italy and abroad and increase of the scholarship Submit the end-of-year report