Apply for thesis in co-supervision Art. 18 of the University Regulation on PhD Courses provides for the possibility for PhD students to carry out their theses in co-supervision with a foreign partner university. Co-supervision is activated following a specific agreement proposed by the Board or the Committee of the two Doctorates that intend to achieve this objective, and signed by the Rectors of the universities involved. In order to be activated, the co-supervised thesis has to meet certain requirements: In order to prepare the thesis, the PhD students must attend the two institutions in alternating periods of almost equal length. Two thesis supervisors must be appointed, one for the Italian side, one for the cooperating foreign university: the supervisors follow the doctoral student in his/her activities and assess (with a written report) the doctoral thesis. A necessary condition for admission to the final examination is the positive judgement of the two thesis supervisors. The Commission must be formed by the two institutions in equal numbers, and must include at least four members, as provided for in the agreement. The thesis supervisors may be members of the commission. Each institution agrees to award the title of PhD, or an equivalent title, following the presentation of a favourable report by the Commission, or to award a joint title. The PhD title shall be completed with the words "thesis in co-supervision with the University of ...". The request for a co-supervised doctoral thesis may be made both by PhD students enrolled in PhD programmes with administrative offices in Sassari, and by PhD students already enrolled in foreign PhD programmes who wish to carry out their PhD in co-supervised studies in Sassari. In the case of PhD students already enrolled in a course with administrative centre in Sassari, the co-supervision may be requested only by first-year PhD students. In exceptional cases, for dissertations of particular scientific interest, co-supervision may also be activated for second-year students. How to request the activation of the thesis in co-supervision PhD students wishing to request the activation of the thesis in co-supervision must download and fill in the appropriate form. The form must be sent by email to the Protocol Office ( Request for co-supervised thesis Information on the training activities of incoming PhD students PhD students benefiting from an incoming co-supervision may follow, without any obligation of attendance, the teaching activities organised by PhD Courses with administrative offices at the University of Sassari or by the PhD School. Since participation in teaching activities, for this type of PhD student, is free, certification of CFRs related to individual activities is not required.Any training obligations for incoming PhD students may only be determined by their home universities. Naviga la sezione Activate your mailbox Apply for European certification (Doctor europeus) Apply for suspension of attendance obligations Apply for thesis in co-supervision Collect the Doctorate Parchment Form for the recognition of free choice activities Justification form for absence from work Renounce the scholarship Request certificates Request the budget for research activities Simultaneous enrolment Study periods in Italy and abroad and increase of the scholarship Submit the end-of-year report