University Executive Committee Vice Rector Andrea Fausto PianaSince 2006, he has been a Full Professor of General and Applied Hygiene (MED/42) at the Department of Medical, Surgical, and Experimental Sciences of the University of Sassari.From 2009 to 2013, he served as the President of the Master's Degree Course in Pharmacy, and since 2014, he has been the Coordinator of the PhD Course in Biomedical Sciences. In 2018, he was appointed as the President of the Visiting Professor Commission of the University of Sassari. Since 2018, he has been elected as the Regional Coordinator of the Italian Multidisciplinary Society for the Prevention of Infections in Healthcare Organizations (S.I.M.P.I.O.S.).His research activity is documented by numerous scientific publications in national and international journals in the fields of hospital hygiene and the epidemiology and prophylaxis of infectious and non-infectious diseases. In particular, his interest has focused on the research of microbial resistance genes to antibiotics and the epidemiology of infections caused by Human Papilloma Virus, Meningococcus and Pneumococcus, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella, Helicobacter pylori through the application of traditional diagnostic techniques and molecular Vice Rector for Legal Affairs with delegation to the Library Structures and the University Library System Giovanni Maria UdaHe is a Full Professor of Private Law at the Department of Law, where he teaches courses in Civil Law and Institutions of Private Law, and has also taught Family Law.He serves as a substitute teacher for Private Law at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University.He was the Vice-Director of the Department of Law from 2015 to 2017 and the Director of the Specialization School for Legal Professions from 2014 to 2017.He is the Vice-Coordinator and a member of the Board of the PhD Program in Legal Sciences.He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Forensic Training School in Vice Rector for Medical and Health Aspects Carlo DoriaBorn in Sassari on February 6, 1966.Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Sassari on March 19, 1991, with a score of 110/110 cum laude.Completed military service as a Medical Officer with the initial appointment as Head of the Medical Service at the Command and Transmission Department of the "Sassari" Brigade.Specialization in Orthopedics and Traumatology, obtained on October 28, 1997, with a score of 50/50 cum laude from the University of Sassari.Attended the XV cycle of the PhD program in "Experimental Methodologies in Surgery, Angiology, and Orthopedics" at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome and obtained the title of PhD on February 28, 2005.Second-level Master's Degree in Spinal Surgery from the University of Verona on July 4, 2009.Director of the Complex Structure of Orthopedics and Traumatology ASL 5 - Oristano from January 10, 2011, to December 14, 2012.Winner of the national competition for the role of Associate Professor of Locomotor System Diseases at the University of Sassari, assuming the position on December 15, 2012.Appointed Director of the Complex Structure of the Orthopedic Clinic at the University Hospital of Sassari from August 1, 2016, to the present.National Scientific Qualification in the competitive sector 06F4 - Locomotor System Diseases and Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in the V quadrimester ASN 2016-2018.Winner of the national competition for the role of Full Professor of Locomotor System Diseases - MED/33 at the University of Sassari, assuming the position on October 1, 2020.Senator of the Italian Republic: elected in the 2020 by-elections for the single-member constituency 03 - Sardinia: held office from October 5, 2020, to October 12, 2022.Regional Minister of Hygiene, Health, and Social Assistance of Sardinia: held office from November 29, 2022, to March 21, 2024.Director of the School of Specialization in Orthopedics and Traumatology at the University of Sassari.Director of the Department of Motor, Neurological, and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University Hospital of Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Pietro PulinaHe is a Full Professor of Agricultural Economics and Rural Appraisal and holds a Doctorate in Agronomy. He teaches Agricultural Sector Economics and Agro-Industrial Economics and Marketing. He has chaired the Evaluation Unit of the University of Sassari, been a member of the executive board of the National Committee of Evaluation Units of Italian Universities, and is an accredited disciplinary evaluator for ANVUR.As an Academic of the Georgofili, he has chaired the Italian Society of Agri-Food Economics (SIEA) and is the Editor-in-Chief of REA - Italian Review of Agricultural Economics, the scientific journal of Italian agricultural Vice Rector for Construction and Facilities Alessandra CasuHe is an Associate Professor in the SSD ICAR/21 – Urban Planning at the Department of Architecture, Design, and Urban Planning of the University of Sassari, Alghero campus. He teaches "Urban Planning Theories" and "Urban Sustainability." He has chaired the degree programs in Territorial, Urban, and Environmental Planning and the master's degree in Planning and Policies for the City, Environment, and Landscape. He is a member of the Academic Board of the European Master of the same name from the Universities of Sassari, Girona, Lisbon, IUAV of Venice, and Autonomous of Barcelona. Since 2010-11, he has been the Erasmus and International Relations department delegate, and since 2021, he is also the university delegate for Sustainability and Infrastructure.He has directed the Master's program "Governare il paesaggio: tra urbanistica, ambiente, nuove geografie istituzionali e modelli di sviluppo" and a high-level training course aimed at the architectural, tourist, and environmental enhancement of the Universities of Sassari, Auckland, Cooper Union of New York, Die Angewandte of Vienna. He coordinated the organization of the international inter-university distance course "UniGIS" for the Italian branch at IUAV, where he was a lecturer and coordinated the Project Work on the Regional Landscape Plan of the Trieste coast in the II level Master's program in "Sistemi Informativi Territoriali e Telerilevamento" (Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing) Vice Rector for University and Territory Relations Carmelino MeazzaHe is a Full Professor of Moral Philosophy (M-Fil/03) at the Department of History, Human Sciences, and Education of the University of Sassari.From 2020 to 2023, he served as Vice-Director of the Department of History, Human Sciences, and Education at the University of Sassari. From 2018 to 2022, he was a member of the board of directors of the Italian Society of Moral Philosophy. From 2017 to 2019, he was the president of the master's degree program in Historical and Philosophical Sciences at the University of Sassari. From 2014 to 2016, as an expert in the field, he was appointed to the University Independent Committee on Bioethics for the Use of Animals for Experimental Purposes.Currently, as an expert in the field, he is a member of the regional ethics committee. For several years, he has been a member of the Doctoral College in Archaeology, History, and Human Sciences.He is a member of scientific societies, director of series, and a member of scientific committees of series and journals in his disciplinary field.He has authored essays and papers on phenomenological-hermeneutic themes. In particular, he has focused on and published essays and monographs on the thought of Hegel, Levinas, Heidegger, Gentile, Derrida, and Nancy. Vice Rector for Personnel Piergiuseppe LaiGraduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of the University of Sassari, he obtained a PhD in Civil Procedural Law from the State University of Milan and worked as an employment law lawyer. He is currently an associate professor of Civil Procedural Law in the Department of Law where he teaches Institutions of Civil Procedural Law and Arbitration, Procedural Labor Law and Civil Enforcement Law. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Nuoro School of Forensic Training. His main research topics are the labor process, the forced execution process and, more recently, the study of events linked to the plurality of parties in domestic and international civil Vice Rector for Research Giuseppe PulinaSince 2003, he has been a Full Professor of Special Zootechnics (SSD AGR 19) at the University of Sassari.An Agronomist and Doctor of Research, he is a Full Professor of Special Zootechnics at the Department of Agriculture of the University of Sassari. In the same University, he has held the positions of Director of the Department of AGRICULTURE, Director of the Department of Zootechnical Sciences, Member of the Board of Directors, and Senator.He teaches Ethics and Sustainability of Livestock Farming and Hygiene and Welfare of Livestock in the Master's Degree Course in Animal Production Sciences and "Philosophy and Ethics of Research" in the PhD Program in Agricultural Vice Rector for Third Mission Pier Andrea SerraPier Andrea Serra is Full Professor of Pharmacology at the Department of Medicine, Surgery and Pharmacy and Associate Researcher at the CNR Institute of Food Production Sciences. He teaches Pharmacology and Nutraceutics.Prof. Serra's research activity is divided between the study of neurochemical mechanisms of neurodegeneration (in particular Parkinson's Disease) and the development of new technologies based on biosensors for monitoring the chemistry of the central nervous system and nutraceuticals useful for the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases.He has held various administrative positions: member of the CDA of the University of Sassari, rector's delegate for biomedical research, rector's delegate for public engagement, GEV member for the third mission (ANVUR).He is currently pro-rector for the third mission of the University of Sassari, national vice-president of the network of universities and research bodies for public engagement (APEnet) and is a member of the CRUI restricted commission for the third President of the Council of Technical Administrative and Library Staff Andrea President of the Student Council Antonio Bilotta Naviga la sezione Rector Academic Senate Board of Directors University Executive Committee Board of Auditors Technical-administrative staff council Student Council Evaluation Unit Quality Assurance Office Disciplinary Board Equal Opportunity Committee Comitato etico Student Ombudsman Vedi anche Prorettori Delegati del Rettore