Board of Auditors The Board of Auditors of the University, in accordance with Article 30, paragraph 3 of the Statute, for the three-year period 2022/2025, is composed as follows:Counselor Ilaria Annamaria Chesta, PresidentDr. Marcello Scarabosio, effective member from MURDr. Maria Cordella, effective memberDr. Giovanna Pasqualina Sechi, alternate member from MEFThe Board of Auditors is the internal control body overseeing the administrative and accounting regularity of the University's management. The tasks and methods of organization and operation are established by the administration, finance, and accounting regulations. Regulations Regolamento per l'amministrazione, la finanza e la contabilità Naviga la sezione Rector Academic Senate Board of Directors University Executive Committee Board of Auditors Technical-administrative staff council Student Council Evaluation Unit Quality Assurance Office Disciplinary Board Equal Opportunity Committee Comitato etico Student Ombudsman Nomine Decreto sulla composizione 2022/2025 Compensi Compensi connessi all'assunzione della carica Compensi erogati