pagoPA Simple and Secure Payments for Public Administration pagoPA is the digital platform that enables citizens to make payments in a more natural, fast, and modern way, relieving administrations from the costs and delays associated with traditional collection methods.pagoPA is not a website for payments but rather a new method to carry out standardized payments to Public Administration through participating Payment Service Providers (PSPs). Payments can be made directly on the entity's website or app or through the channels (online and physical) of banks and other PSPs.pagoPA is a public system that ensures individuals and businesses can make electronic payments to the Public Administration securely and reliably, in a simple and transparent manner regarding commission costs. It is an initiative promoted by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, and all Public Administrations adhere to it. Website Payment Portal Through this portal, you can manage payments for taxes or outstanding amounts to the University of Sassari conveniently from anywhere you are.You can make a voluntary payment using the pagoPA system. Payment Portal - University of Sassari Naviga la sezione Attendance management Offerta Banco di Sardegna Uniss Payroll statement Le mie missioni Report an event or notice Digital protocol Richiedi un intervento informatico Network account management University technology services Request maintenance intervention Request for identification of needs Unified Union Representation (RSU) Smart working Agreements for tax assistance University corporate welfare plan Documents of collegiate bodies Economic progression for professors University Occupational Health Physician Covid-19 health emergency pagoPA Payments