University Occupational Health Physician dott. Antonello SerraTel. 079 Duties The Occupational Health Physician, in accordance with art. 25 of Legislative Decree 81/08:a) Collaborates with the employer and the prevention and protection service in assessing risks, including, when necessary, the planning of health surveillance, the preparation and implementation of measures for the protection of the health and psychophysical integrity of workers, training and information activities for workers, within their competence, and the organization of first aid services, taking into account the specific types of work and exposure, as well as the peculiar organizational methods of work. Also, collaborates in the implementation and enhancement of voluntary "health promotion" programs, following the principles of social responsibility;b) Plans and carries out health surveillance as per Article 41 through health protocols defined based on specific risks and considering the most advanced scientific guidelines;c) Establishes, also through access to health and risk records, as mentioned in letter f), updates and keeps, under their responsibility, a health and risk record for each worker undergoing health surveillance. In companies or production units with more than 15 workers, the occupational health physician agrees with the employer on the location of custody;d) Hands over to the employer, upon the termination of the assignment, the health documentation in their possession, in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree of June 30, 2003, no. 196, and safeguarding professional confidentiality;e) Hands over to the worker, upon termination of the employment relationship, the health documentation in their possession and provides information regarding the need for preservation;f) Sends health and risk records to ISPESL exclusively via electronic means in cases provided for by this legislative decree, upon termination of the employment relationship, in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree June 30, 2003, no. 196. The concerned worker can request a copy of these records from ISPESL also through their general practitioner;g) Provides information to workers on the meaning of health surveillance to which they are subjected and, in the case of exposure to agents with long-term effects, on the need for health assessments even after the cessation of activities involving exposure to such agents. Also provides, upon request, similar information to worker safety representatives;h) Informs each affected worker of the results of health surveillance as per Article 41 and, upon their request, provides a copy of the health documentation;i) Communicates in writing, during the meetings referred to in Article 35, to the employer, the head of the risk prevention and protection service, and worker safety representatives, the anonymous collective results of health surveillance carried out and provides indications on the meaning of these results for the implementation of measures for the protection of the health and psychophysical integrity of workers;l) Visits the workplaces at least once a year or at a different frequency determined based on risk assessment; any indication of a frequency other than annual must be communicated to the employer for annotation in the risk assessment document;m) Participates in planning the control of worker exposure, the results of which are provided promptly for the purpose of risk assessment and health surveillance. Naviga la sezione Attendance management Offerta Banco di Sardegna Uniss Payroll statement Le mie missioni Report an event or notice Digital protocol Richiedi un intervento informatico Network account management University technology services Request maintenance intervention Request for identification of needs Unified Union Representation (RSU) Smart working Agreements for tax assistance University corporate welfare plan Documents of collegiate bodies Economic progression for professors University Occupational Health Physician Covid-19 health emergency pagoPA Payments See also Health surveillance First aid kits