Covid-19 health emergency With regard to the protection of the health of the university community, the University maintains a constantly high level of attention to the epidemiological situation of airborne diseases, particularly seasonal influenza and Covid-19.Reports from Health Authorities suggest, as was the case last year, an early onset of the influenza epidemic in the months of October and November. Furthermore, the spread of Covid-19 is currently showing a growth trend due to relational dynamics and the dissemination of new variants that appear to have a higher infectivity. These latest forms do not seem to be characterized by significantly increased pathogenicity, although there is a continued need for greater caution in protecting older and vulnerable individuals with conditions that reduce the effectiveness of the immune response.In anticipation of the resumption of educational activities, it is useful to draw the attention of students, faculty, administrative and technical staff, and the entire university community to the following guidelines:The use of personal protective equipment is not mandatory; however, it is strongly recommended for individuals with vulnerabilities.Responsible attention to hand washing and sanitization using the provided products in the classrooms is necessary.It is advisable for those with respiratory symptoms to undergo a Covid-19 diagnostic test and stay at home to prevent community contagion.Although isolation is no longer mandatory in case of Covid-19 positivity, it is strongly recommended to stay at home until symptoms disappear and wear a mask in the presence of others. This includes avoiding crowded places, maintaining strict hand hygiene, avoiding contact with immunocompromised individuals, vulnerable individuals, or pregnant women, refraining from entering hospitals or nursing homes, and informing those with whom one has had contact in the days prior to the diagnosis. Consult a doctor if necessary.Vigilant attention is important in the days following the onset of respiratory symptoms (undergo a diagnostic test for Covid-19) after contact with positive individuals. During this period, it is advisable to avoid proximity to vulnerable individuals, immunocompromised individuals, and pregnant women.Strongly recommended is the adherence to the vaccination campaign against influenza and Covid-19 for individuals over 60 years old or those with conditions that reduce the efficiency of the immune system; a new vaccine is currently available that is more effective against the latest virus variants. Naviga la sezione Attendance management Offerta Banco di Sardegna Uniss Payroll statement Le mie missioni Report an event or notice Digital protocol Richiedi un intervento informatico Network account management University technology services Request maintenance intervention Request for identification of needs Unified Union Representation (RSU) Smart working Agreements for tax assistance University corporate welfare plan Documents of collegiate bodies Economic progression for professors University Occupational Health Physician Covid-19 health emergency pagoPA Payments Contacts Dott.ssa Federica AriuUniversity Covid Coordinatorreferentecovid@uniss.itTel. 333 3300511Tel. 079 213600 See also Come proteggersi dal Covid-19 e cosa fare in caso di contagio. Ministero della Salute