Office of the Rector University Square 21, 1st Floor, Sassari (SS)079 Secretary of the Rector Emy BattinoTel. + 39 079 Head of the Rector's Office Reginella CeccarelliTel. + 39 Staff Gabriella DoreTel. +39 079 229862gdore@uniss.itSalvatore FlorisTel. +39 079 228815s.floris@uniss.itSilvia GlorianiTel. +39 079 228813sgloriani@uniss.itLuciano Delogulucianodelogu@uniss.itMaria Luisa Activities Manages the secretarial activities and oversees the Rector's agenda for institutional commitments.Assists the Rector in exercising supervisory and directional functions by preparing directives, circulars, and guidelines.Handles the preparation of Rector's decrees for the issuance of regulatory acts.Ensures proper transfer of communications to internal structures.Maintains relationships with delegates, senators, councilors, office managers, and political, social, economic, and cultural organizations in the city.Manages the examination and sorting of incoming and outgoing internal correspondence for the Rector.Handles the administrative and accounting management of the spending center. Naviga la sezione Office of the Rector General Director Central Administration Staff Services IT Department See also Rector