Unified Union Representation (RSU)

What is the RSU?

RSU stands for Rappresentanza Sindacale Unitaria. It is a trade union body that exists in every public and private workplace, and in the University of Sassari, it consists of 9 individuals elected by all workers, whether they are union members or not.

The fundamental reference regulations are the "Accordo Collettivo Quadro per la costituzione delle Rappresentanze Sindacali Unitarie per il personale dei comparti delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni e per la definizione del relativo Regolamento Elettorale" of August 7, 1998, and the national collective bargaining agreement.

What role does it play?

The powers and contractual competencies in the workplaces are exercised by the RSU and representatives of the trade union organizations that are signatories to the relevant National Collective Bargaining Agreement (CCNL) for the sector.

However, those elected to the RSU are not union officials but rather employees who play a specific role: representing the needs of workers without becoming a professional unionist. The RSU, therefore, collectively protects the workers by overseeing the application of the contract or transforming a specific issue into a dispute. If capable, the RSU may also take on initial protection, attempting to resolve the worker's conflict with the employer before potentially involving the union and legal representatives.

The RSU functions as a unified body that decides the course of action by majority vote and whether to sign an agreement.

How long is the term in office?

The RSU remains in office for three years, after which it automatically expires, and new elections must be held.

The elections for the currently serving component took place on April 7, 2022.

The protection of the RSU delegate and the exercise of trade union rights

By playing an exposed role, the RSU delegate has enhanced protection compared to that provided to every worker (Articles 1-15 of the Workers' Statute).

Moreover, the members of the RSU are entitled to trade union rights as stipulated by laws, framework agreements, and contracts. These rights, such as the use of notice boards, the calling of an assembly, and the use of paid leave, belong to the RSU as a whole and not to individual members.

The members of the RSU at the University of Sassari

Currently, the RSU is composed of:

