University Penitentiary Hub "What is the 'P.U.P.' The "Polo Universitario Penitenziario" (P.U.P.) of the University of Sassari is an integrated system for coordinating activities aimed at enabling detainees and inmates in penitentiary institutions affiliated with the Protocols of Understanding signed by the University respectively with the Department of Penitentiary Administration (May 19, 2004) and with the Regional Provveditorato of Penitentiary Administration of Sardinia (March 26, 2014), as well as individuals under external criminal enforcement, to obtain university-level degrees. Who is entitled? Prisoners and detainees, both Italian and foreign, present in penitentiary institutions affiliated with the Protocols of Understanding or individuals under external criminal enforcement within the territory of the Sardinia Region, who, possessing the requirements established by law, intend to enroll or are enrolled in university courses at the University of Sassari. The services The University of Sassari guarantees students affiliated with the P.U.P. a fair and proportionate taxation regime based on their detention status.In the penitentiary institutions covered by the Protocols of Understanding, the University of Sassari ensures teaching for all the activated study programs, adopting flexible and specific teaching methods for the student population in detention.To support individual study, the University of Sassari grants students in detention access to library resources through the following modalities: a) borrowing with delegation at the university libraries; b) interlibrary loan between the university libraries and prison libraries or other accredited libraries supporting them; c) purchase of textbooks by the University, reimbursed by the Regional Body for University Studies (E.R.S.U.) of Sassari according to the rules established by the convention between E.R.S.U. and UNISS dated 22.12.2015. The textbooks are provided by the University on a free loan basis to the penitentiary institutions for one calendar year, renewable.The University of Sassari, in agreement with the Superintendent for the Penitentiary Administration of Sardinia, with the Directors of the Institutions involved in the Protocol, and in compliance with security regulations, will provide computer services accessible on the website to P.U.P. students, in accordance with the Circular of the D.A.P. dated 02.11.2015 on "Possibilities of Internet access by detainees". Student area - see also Self Studenti Student Career Regulations Library services dedicated to students belonging to the Penitentiary University Campus Disabled and students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) Naviga la sezione Disabled students and those with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) Alias Career University corridors University Penitentiary Hub Faculty and PTAB Area Area tutor People Relations, Agreements, and Publications Services Refugees and Migrants Reception Notices Bandi P.U.P. 20246 calls for applications for PUP have been published for 2024:One tutoring position for each of the 4 Penitentiary Institutes, 1 UEPE-CGM tutor, 1 administrative support figure.The applications expire on February 29th at 23:59. See alsoServizio di counseling e sostegno psicologicoElenco Documenti per Iscrizione Studenti PUP Contacts AMMINISTRAZIONE UNIVERSITARIACoordinamentodelegato.pup@uniss.itSegreteriasegreteria.pup@uniss.itServizi AMMINISTRAZIONE PENITENZIARIACoordinamento - penitenziaria di penitenziaria di penitenziaria di Sassari loc. penitenziaria di Tempio Pausania loc. Regolamento Regolamento per il Funzionamento del Polo Universitario Penitenziario (PUP)