Faculty and PTAB Area Missions From November 1, 2018, professors from the University of Sassari who go to penitentiary institutions for teaching activities (lectures, tutoring, orientation, exams) or third mission activities (conferences, seminars, workshops) are required to fill out the mission form (attached form) and send it, preferably 5 working days before the mission, to the email address: segreteria.pup@uniss.it.Any refund requests (attached form) and requests for support for authorization to enter penitentiary institutions (attached form) should also be forwarded to the same address.Missions will be reimbursed exclusively from the MIUR-PUP2018 fund. The competent office is the Office for Project Management Centers and University Consortia. Prison Education, Best Practices Approved by the Academic Didactic-Organizational Committee on July 24, 2018.OrientationOrientation should preferably be conducted in June of each year to allow sufficient time for selection procedures in case of interest in access to numerus clausus courses. Specify the study model implemented by PUP Uniss (not based on tutoring), as well as the limitations on professional opportunities resulting from criminal convictions for numerous professions. These key points should also be specified for students who voluntarily transfer from other PUPs to Uniss.EnrollmentSuggest part-time enrollment for students in detention.WelcomeDepartmental Referees, with the support of other professors, administrative staff, and students, will meet new enrolled students during the period September-December of each year, delivering and presenting to them the Study Manifesto and additional useful information for understanding the structure and temporal development of the study program.In-course AssessmentDepartmental Referees, with the support of other professors, administrative staff, and students, will meet enrolled students in years subsequent to the first, during the period September-December of each year, to verify with them the progress of their study program.Exam PreparationTeachers of individual subjects, who voluntarily make themselves available (art. 5 Prot. Uniss-PRAP), will aim to meet detained students no less than 3 times before the exam: first to deliver and present the program and study material; second for an interim assessment; third for a final assessment (this may also coincide with the exam). Upon the student's request, based on the availability of individual teachers, additional meetings with the student may be possible, in an indefinite number, to be agreed upon each time with the competent Prison Directorate.Study SupportTeachers will make themselves available to interact with voluntary, qualified, and competent personnel on individual subjects, which the Prison Directorates may want to identify and select (art. 5 Prot. Uniss-PRAP);Training InternshipsDepartmental Referees will encourage the signing of Agreements between Prison Directorates and University Departmental Directorates for the implementation of training internships in prison by non-detained students, who can effectively support the study of detained colleagues.Student AssociationsCollaborations between Student Associations and PUP Uniss to support university study by detainees will be encouraged and implemented, including through the signing of memoranda of understanding;Assessment ExamsThe procedures for conducting exams should be specified at the time of delivery and presentation of the program by the subject's teacher. The oral examination method is encouraged, as it allows detained students to interact and personally engage with teachers more than written exams. For special or reserved exam sessions, it is strongly recommended to create the session and enroll the candidate BEFORE the exam. Proceed with the grading as soon as possible after the exam (if passed satisfactorily).Cyclic Review Report on Study ProgramsEnhance the prison education experience in the verification documents required by MIUR, particularly in Annex 6.2 to the guidelines for the periodic accreditation of university locations and study programs, under point 2b "analysis of the situation based on data", sub-paragraph "organization of flexible pathways and teaching methodologies", as already done by the Department of AGRARIA. Naviga la sezione Faculty and PTAB Area Area tutor People Relations, Agreements, and Publications Services Forms Mission Forms (P.U.P.)