Submit the end-of-year report Doctoral students at the University of Sassari are required, within one month from the end of each academic year, to submit to the Council of their Doctoral Course (or directly to the College, if the Doctoral Course has no Council) an annual report on the research activities carried out and the results achieved. This document, signed by the Doctoral student and his/her Supervisors, must include:A detailed description of the research activities;A summary of the results achieved; Proof of participation in seminars, congresses or other scientific initiatives;A list of any publications produced.This report is a fundamental requirement for admission to the following year and must be drawn up in compliance with the deadlines indicated in the University Regulation on PhD Courses.Reporting for External FundingDoctoral students who benefit from funding external to the University, whether public (e.g. PNRR, PON, POR, FSC) or private, are also required to comply with the specific forms of reporting required by such programmes. It is important to emphasise that these reports are additional to the end-of-year report required by the Doctoral Course. Therefore, the submission of the annual report remains mandatory and must take place within the timeframe established by the Regulations.For further information or to receive support in the preparation of the documentation, PhD students may contact their Supervisor or the Ufficio Alta Formazione of the University. Format report Naviga la sezione Activate your mailbox Apply for European certification (Doctor europeus) Apply for suspension of attendance obligations Apply for thesis in co-supervision Collect the Doctorate Parchment Form for the recognition of free choice activities Justification form for absence from work Renounce the scholarship Request certificates Request the budget for research activities Simultaneous enrolment Study periods in Italy and abroad and increase of the scholarship Submit the end-of-year report