University Language Center(CLA)

Libri di testo di diverse nazionalità affiancati

The University Language Center (CLA) is a language and cultural service center that caters to students, staff of the University of Sassari and the local area. It promotes, coordinates and manages curricular activities related to instrumental learning, practice and study for specific purposes of modern foreign languages activated in the University (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic and Italian for foreigners), as well as foreign language testing and international certification.
The Center organizes foreign language courses for the Athenaeum, guarantees curricular courses, promotes, coordinates and manages activities related to the learning of modern foreign languages for the students of Graduate Schools and Postgraduate Courses, for teaching and technical-administrative-library personnel

  • Coordinates the activities of language collaborators and experts
  • Stipulates agreements with organizations and institutions for the promotion of foreign language learning in the territory
  • Organizes cultural activities
  • Encourages the experimentation and use of modern glottodidactic methodologies and information technology
  • It is part of the Italian Association of University Language Centers (AICLU), which coordinates the activities of university language centers nationally and internationally, and contributes to the improvement of the quality of language service of Italian university language centers. Language Centers regularly affiliated with AICLU automatically join the European Confederation of Language Centers (CERCLES).

CILS (Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language) exams.


Registration is open for the next session of CILS exams will be held on JULY 18, 2024 at the Language Center of the University of Sassari (Via M. Zanfarino No. 53).

Deadline: 06/18/2024, 12:00 p.m.

Contact: - 079 22 9741 - 8850 - 8763

2nd Semester academic year 2023/2024 - Italian language courses for incoming students



The lessons of the Italian language courses for incoming students will begin on February 2024.

Students enrolled in the courses will receive all the information via email from the teacher.

Language tests for international mobility


The next language proficiency testing session will be held on June 13 and 14, 2024 at the DISSUF Computer Classroom (via Zanfarino, 62).

Reservations from 05/14/2024 to 06/11/2024 on the platform.

DITALS (Teaching Italian as a Foreign Language) exams.


Registration is now open for the next DITALS exam session to be held on July 19, 2024 at the University Language Center (via M. Zanfarino, 53):

  • DITALS I LEVEL (profiles: adolescents, adults and seniors, immigrants and university students) 

Deadline: June 7, 2024, 12:00 noon
Contact: - 079 229741 - 8850 - 8763

Al via i corsi gratuiti di lingua inglese del CLA - Progetto INTER.M.O.F. 2.0 - EnglishClaSS 2.0


E' online la graduatoria degli studenti relativa al Bando per corsi gratuiti di lingua inglese organizzati dal Centro Linguistico di Ateneo nell'ambito delle specificità del Progetto INTER.M.O.F. 2.0 PR SARDEGNA FSE+ 2021-2027.

Gli studenti collocati in graduatoria (AMMESSI / AMMESSI CON RISERVA) dalla posizione n. 1 alla n. 300 dovranno OBBLIGATORIAMENTE sostenere il test di piazzamento di lingua inglese per la formazione delle classi, che si svolgerà ONLINE il giorno 12 GIUGNO 2024, dalle ore 9:00 alle 19:00, accedendo direttamente alla piattaforma con la mail istituzionale "". 

Il test ha lo scopo di inserire ciascun partecipante nella classe corrispondente al proprio livello linguistico, per poter frequentare efficacemente le lezioni senza difficoltà. Pertanto si raccomanda di svolgere il test in piena autonomia, senza servirsi di nessun tipo di ausilio esterno. 

Call for applications for various professional figures - INTER.M.O.F. 2.0 project.


Within the framework of the PR Sardinia ESF+ 2021-2027 at the service of dignity - Priority 2 “Education, Training and Skills”, two public selection notices have been published for the formation of rankings for the awarding of self-employment contracts for the support activities for the actions planned under the Project “English ClaSS 2.0” - PROJECT INTER.M.O.F. 2.0 for different professional figures.

Deadline: April 23, 2024, 12:00 p.m.

Language courses for outgoing Erasmus students - 2024


Notice is hereby given that the English, Portuguese and Spanish language course calendars for outgoing Erasmus students are available online.

Students who have been awarded scholarships indicated by the Departments will receive an e-mail from the course instructor(s) with the details of the relevant class on TEAMS..

Erasmus incoming and outgoing student support


Notice is hereby given that the Tutor Ambassador Desk is active at CLA to provide support to incoming and outgoing Erasmus students.

Contacts: Viola Leoni 079 228785 -

Reception hours: Wednesday and Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Project POR-FSE 2014-2020 INTER.M.O.F "english class"


The section dedicated to the INTER.M.O.F. Project “EnglishClass"  (P.O.R FSE 2014-2020 Regione Autonoma della Sardegna - Priority Axis 3 Education and Training - INTERventi di Miglioramento dell'Offerta Formativa, attraverso il potenziamento delle competenze trasversali dell'ambito linguistico e della fruibilità della didattica per gli studenti con particolare difficoltà, sviluppo di materiali didattici integrativi e azioni di tutoraggio nell'istruzione universitaria e/o equivalente) is online.