Project POR ESF 2014-2020 INTER.M.O.F.

Project ROP ESF 2014-2020 INTER.M.O.F " english class"


NEW Public Notice "INTER.M.O.F.", INTERventi di Miglioramento dell'Offerta Formativa," through the enhancement of transversal skills in the language field and the usability of teaching for students with particular difficulties, development of supplementary teaching materials and tutoring actions in university education and/or equivalent.

In relation to the goal of reducing the university dropout rate, the Project named "English ClaSS" aimed to create 15 English language courses of 80 hours each to be delivered through distance learning platforms, dedicated to selected students of the University of Sassari.
(Ranking of students admitted 1st Call Ranking of students admitted 2nd Call)

Objectives of the Project:

  • enhancement and improvement of transversal skills in the language field
  • fruibility of English language teaching for students with special difficulties
  • reduction of the dropout rate and university dropout rate for BES/DSA students
  • adoption of teaching approaches and development of innovative methodologies
  • promotion and implementation of teaching materialsstrengthening of tutoring actions for the recipients

Course materials are available on the e-learning platform

Final report INTER.M.O.F project "english class"-expected results 2021/2022


Final report by the University Language Center Staff under the supervision of Prof. Filippo Giuseppe Dettori and Dr. Stefania Gandin.