calls Bandi in scadenza Procedura comparativa pubblica, per titoli e colloquio, per il conferimento di contratti di lavoro autonomo per n. 4 docenti di lingua inglese e n. 2 tutor specializzati nella DAD, nell'ambito del Progetto INTER.M.O.F. 2.0 - PR SARDEGNA FSE+ 2021-2027 AL SERVIZIO DELLA DIGNITA’ (CUP J84C23000570006)Scadenza: 19 dicembre 2024, ore 13:00 CLA - Procedura comparativa pubblica per contratti di lavoro autonomo per n. 4 docenti di lingua inglese e n. 2 tutor specializzati nella DAD, Progetto INTER.M.O.F. 2.0 - PR SARDEGNA FSE+ 2021-2027 Archivio bandi Procedura comparativa pubblica per titoli e colloquio per la formazione di una graduatoria dalla quale attingere per il conferimento di contratti di lavoro autonomo ai sensi dell’art. 2222 e seguenti del Codice civile, per le attività di docenza nei Corsi di italiano per stranieri (L2) organizzati dal Centro linguistico di Ateneo.Scadenza: 15 luglio 2024, ore 12:00 CLA - Procedura comparativa pubblica per la formazione di una graduatoria per il conferimento di contratti di lavoro autonomo per le attività di docenza nei Corsi di italiano per stranieri (L2) calls archive PUBLIC COMPARATIVE PROCEDURE FOR DSA TRAINER, DAD TRAINER, ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS AND PSYCHOLOGIST, BY TITLES AND INTERVIEW, FOR THE FORMATION OF A RANKING FOR THE AWARD OF SELF-EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS UNDER ART. 2222 ET SEQ. OF THE CIVIL CODE, FOR A DURATION OF 24 MONTHS, WITHIN THE PROJECT INTER.M.O.F. 2.0 - PR SARDINIA FSE+ 2021-2027 AT THE SERVICE OF DIGNITY (CUP J84C23000570006). CLA - PUBLIC COMPARATIVE PROCEDURE FOR DSA TRAINER, DAD TRAINER, ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS AND PSYCHOLOGIST FOR THE FORMATION OF A RANKING FOR THE AWARD OF SELF-EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS - PROJECT INTER.M.O.F. 2.0 - PR SARDINIA FSE+ 2021-2027 PUBLIC COMPARATIVE PROCEDURE FOR TUTOR, MONITORING AND REPORTING CONSULTANT AND E-LEARNING COMPUTER CONSULTANT, FOR QUALIFICATIONS AND INTERVIEW, FOR THE FORMATION OF A RANKING FOR THE AWARD OF SELF-EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS UNDER ARTICLE 2222 ET SEQ. OF THE CIVIL CODE, FOR A DURATION OF 24 MONTHS, WITHIN THE PROJECT INTER.M.O.F. 2.0 - PR SARDINIA FSE+ 2021-2027 AT THE SERVICE OF DIGNITY (CUP J84C23000570006) CLA - PUBLIC COMPARATIVE PROCEDURE FOR TUTOR, MONITORING AND REPORTING CONSULTANT AND E-LEARNING COMPUTER CONSULTANT FOR THE FORMATION OF A RANKING FOR SELF-EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS - PROJECT INTER.M.O.F. 2.0 - PR SARDINIA FSE+ 2021-2027 Notice of public selection for the formation of a ranking reserved for students of the University of Sassari for free English language courses, under the INTER.M.O.F. 2.0 Project - PR SARDEGNA ESF+ 2021-2027 at the service of dignity (CUP J84C23000570006).Deadline: march 27, 2024, 11:00 p.m. Call for the formation of a ranking list reserved for students of the University of Sassari for free English language courses - INTER.M.O.F. 2.0 Project - PR SARDEGNA ESF+ 2021-2027 - CLA Public comparative procedure by titles and interview for the formation of a ranking list from which to draw for the award of freelance contracts for teaching activities in English Language Courses organized by the University Language Center.D.D.G. Rep. no. 3235/2022 Prot no. 105190 of 09/27/2022Deadline: 11 October 2022, 12:00 noon PUBLIC COMPARATIVE PROCEDURE BY QUALIFICATIONS AND INTERVIEW FOR THE FORMATION OF A RANKING LIST FROM WHICH TO DRAW FOR THE AWARD OF FREELANCE CONTRACTS FOR TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSES ORGANIZED BY THE CLA Public comparative procedure by titles and interview for the formation of a list from which to draw for the awarding of freelance contracts for teaching activities in Italian for Foreigners (L2) Courses organized by the University Language Center.D.D.G. Rep. no. 2778/2022 Prot no. 91595 of 08/08/2022Deadline: 26 August 2022, 12:00 noon PUBLIC COMPARATIVE PROCEDURE BY TITLES AND INTERVIEW FOR THE FORMATION OF A LIST FROM WHICH TO DRAW FOR THE AWARD OF FREELANCE CONTRACTS FOR TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN ITALIAN FOR FOREIGNERS (L2) COURSES ORGANIZED BY THE CLA PUBLIC SELECTION, BASED ON QUALIFICATIONS AND INTERVIEW, FOR NO. 1 POSITION OF COLLABORATOR AND LINGUISTIC EXPERT OF RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, WITH PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT, FOR THE NEEDS OF THE UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE CENTERAnnouncement of a public selection, based on qualifications and interview, for No. 1 position of Collaborator and Linguistic Expert of Russian Language, with a permanent employment contract, for the needs of the University Language Center, announced by D.D.G. No. 1883, prot. No. 59225 of 21/05/2021, notice of which was published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic IV Special Series No. 40 of 21/05/2021.Deadline: June 21, 2021, 12 noon PUBLIC SELECTION, BASED ON QUALIFICATIONS AND INTERVIEW, FOR 1 POSITION OF RUSSIAN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATE AND EXPERT, WITH A PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT, FOR THE NEEDS OF THE UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE CENTER. CALL FOR N. 1 A SELF-EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT FOR THE FIGURE OF “EXPERT CONSULTANT IN MONITORING AND REPORTING” WITHIN THE PROJECT INTER.M.O.F.Public comparative procedure, by titles and interview, for the award of No. 1 self-employment contract for the figure of “Expert consultant for monitoring and reporting” within the PROJECT INTER.M.O.F. (P.O.R ESF 2014-2020 REGIONE AUTONOMA DELLA SARDEGNA - PRIORITY AXIS 3 EDUCATION AND TRAINING) - CUP Code J89G20000740006. D.D.G. rep. no. 1252/2021, prot. no. 42934, 08.04.2021Deadline: april 22, 2021, 12:00 noon CALL FOR A SELF-EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT FOR THE POSITION OF “EXPERT CONSULTANT IN MONITORING AND REPORTING” UNDER THE PROJECT INTER.M.O.F. DEADLINE EXTENSION - CALL FOR VARIOUS PROFESSIONAL FIGURES INTER.M.O.F. PROJECT.Public comparative procedure, based on qualifications and interview, for the awarding of self-employment contracts for the figures of “Teacher trainer specialized in specific learning disorders (DSA) and Special Educational Needs (BES),” “Teacher trainer specialized in distance education.” “English language teacher”, “Tutor specialized in DAD technical support for teachers and students with special difficulties in carrying out teaching activities”, “Psychologist consultant”, “Qualified computer consultant”, “Expert consultant in monitoring and reporting” under the INTER. M.O.F. (P.O.R FSE 2014-2020 REGIONE AUTONOMA DELLA SARDEGNA - PRIORITY AXIS 3 ISTRUZIONE E FORMAZIONE) - Code CUP J89G20000740006 announced by DDG rep. no. 121/2020 prot. no. 4150 of 19.01.2021.Extension of deadline: February 15, 2021, 12 noon. CALL FOR VARIOUS PROFESSIONAL FIGURES UNDER THE INTER.M.O.F. PROJECT. CALL FOR SELECTION FOR FREE ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSES RESERVED FOR STUDENTS UNDER THE PROJECT INTER.M.O.F.The University of Sassari, within the framework of the P.O.R FSE 2014-2020 Priority Axis 3 - Education and Training, announces a selection, up to the achievement of 80 places, for the attendance of free distance learning English language courses of level A1-A2-B1-B1+ of the CEFR of 80 hours.The selection is reserved for students regularly enrolled (in course or out of course), starting from the 2nd year, in bachelor's degree courses, master's degree courses and single-cycle master's degree courses of the University of Sassari in the academic year 2020/21, excluding students enrolled for the first time at the university, who have an ISEE equal to or less than € 20,000.00 OR students in possession of a certification attesting specific learning disorders (DSA) or disability.Deadline: February 8, 2021, 12:00 noon CALL FOR SELECTION FOR FREE ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSES RESERVED FOR STUDENTS UNDER THE INTER.M.O.F PROJECT CALL FOR SELECTION FOR FREE ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSES RESERVED FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL DIFFICULTIES AND A LOWER LEVEL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY WITHIN THE PROJECT INTER.M.O.F. (P.O.R FSE 2014-2020 REGIONE AUTONOMA DELLA SARDEGNA - PRIORITY AXIS 3 EDUCATION AND TRAINING)The University Language Center of the University of Sassari, within the framework of the P.O.R ESF 2014-2020 Priority Axis 3 - Education and Training - Thematic Objective 10 - Investment Priority 10II) - Specific Objective 10.5 - Action of the Partnership Agreement 10.5.5, organizes no. 15 free English language courses for students regularly enrolled at the University of Sassari from the 2nd academic year with special difficulties due to manifest social hardship, to be understood as economic hardship determined by low income, inferable from the Indicator of the Equivalent Economic Situation (ISEE), or in relation to specific learning disorders or disabilities, with the aim of combating the phenomenon of university dropout, enhancing the level of transversal skills, developing English language learning at a distance, and encouraging specific and tailored teaching for students with special difficulties.Deadline: january 15, 2021, 12:00 noon NOTICE OF SELECTION FOR FREE ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSES RESERVED FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL DIFFICULTIES AND A LOWER LEVEL OF ENGLISH PROFICIENCY PUBLIC SELECTION, BY TITLES AND INTERVIEW, FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF 7 COLLABORATORS AND LINGUISTIC EXPERTS (CEL) FOR THE NEEDS OF THE UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE CENTERThe University of Sassari announces a public selection, by qualifications and interview, for 7 positions of Language Collaborator and Expert, with a permanent employment contract, for the needs of the University Language Center, as specified: Chinese language: no. 1 position, French language: no. 1 post, English language: no. 2 posts, Italian language for foreigners: no. 1 post, Spanish language: no. 1 post, German language: no. 1 post, advertised by D.D.G. no. 3371, prot. no. 123062 of 30/10/2020, notice of which was published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic - IV Special Series no. 85 of 30/10/2020.Deadline: November 30, 2020, 12:00 noon PUBLIC SELECTION, BY TITLES AND INTERVIEW, FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF 7 COLLABORATORS AND LINGUISTIC EXPERTS (CEL) FOR THE NEEDS OF THE UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE CENTER CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR TEACHING SUPPORT POSITIONS IN FRENCH AND SPANISH LANGUAGE COURSES FOR DEPARTMENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY AS PART OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE CENTERPublic comparative procedure, based on qualifications, pursuant to Art. 2222 et seq. of the Civil Code, for the awarding of external freelance assignments to meet special and justified teaching support needs in the courses of French (2 contracts of 200 hours each) and Spanish (1 contract of 200 hours), related to the second semester a.y. 2019-20 and first semester a.y. 2020-21 for the departments of the University, announced by D.D. rep. no. 1143, prot. no. 39381 of 06/04/2020.Deadline: April 17, 2020, 12:00 noon. CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR TEACHING SUPPORT POSITIONS IN FRENCH AND SPANISH LANGUAGE COURSES FOR DEPARTMENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY, AS PART OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE CENTER. Decree approving acts PUBLIC SELECTION, FOR QUALIFICATIONS AND INTERVIEW, FOR THE FORMATION OF A MERIT LIST FOR COLLABORATORS AND LINGUISTIC EXPERTS OF MOTHER TONGUE (ARABIC, RUSSIAN, ITALIAN FOR FOREIGNERS) TO BE USED AT THE UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE CENTERPublic selection, based on qualifications and interview, for the formation of a merit list for collaborators and linguistic experts of mother tongue Arabic, Russian and Italian for foreigners to be used at the Language Center of the University of Sassari and to be drawn from by means of a one-year fixed-term employment contract, announced by D.D. No. 4363 of 20/12/2018, notice of which was published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic - IV Special Series No. 2 of 8/01/2019.Deadline: February 7, 2019, 12:00 p.m. Public selection, based on qualifications and interview, for the formation of a merit list for native language collaborators and experts to be used at the University Language Center PUBLIC SELECTION, FOR QUALIFICATIONS AND INTERVIEW, FOR THE FORMATION OF A MERIT LIST FOR COLLABORATORS AND MOTHER-TONGUE LANGUAGE EXPERTS (CHINESE, FRENCH, ENGLISH, SPANISH,GERMAN) TO BE USED AT THE UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE CENTERPublic selection, based on qualifications and interview, for the formation of a merit list for mother-tongue linguistic collaborators and experts in Chinese, French, English, Spanish and German, to be used at the Language Center of the University of Sassari, to be drawn from by means of a one-year fixed-term employment contract, announced by D.D.G. No. 2683 of 10/08/2018, notice of which was published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic - IV Special Series No. 72 of 11/09/2018.Deadline: October 11, 2018, 12:00 p.m. PUBLIC SELECTION, BASED ON QUALIFICATIONS AND INTERVIEW, FOR THE FORMATION OF A MERIT LIST FOR NATIVE LANGUAGE COLLABORATORS AND EXPERTS TO BE USED AT THE UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE CENTER Naviga la sezione Italian language courses for foreigners Erasmus outgoing language courses Language courses for all Language level test Certifications Laboratories and materials Readers and Language Expert Collaborators calls European Documentation Center (EDC) CLA Board of Directors Project POR ESF 2014-2020 INTER.M.O.F.