Erasmus outgoing language courses Corsi di lingua online per studenti erasmus outgoing The University Language Center, in consultation with the Office of Mobility and International Relations, organizes language courses dedicated to outgoing ERASMUS students who need to acquire the language skills required by the host institution.Those who have attended 70 percent of the classes will be admitted to the final exam.Upon passing the final exam, CLA will issue a special certificate. Online language course calendar for outgoing Erasmus students - 2024 English, Portuguese and Spanish language courses for outgoing Erasmus students will start from May 20, 2024, see the calendar.Female students and students awarded scholarships indicated by Departments will receive an email from the course instructor(s) with directions to the relevant class on TEAMS. Naviga la sezione Italian language courses for foreigners Erasmus outgoing language courses 2024 - Calendar of online language courses Language courses for all Language level test Certifications Laboratories and materials Readers and Language Expert Collaborators calls European Documentation Center (EDC) CLA Board of Directors Project POR ESF 2014-2020 INTER.M.O.F. Contatti Centro Linguistico di Ateneovia M. Zanfarino, 53 - Sassari079 229672 - 228763clauniss@uniss.itTutor Ambassador CLA - Viola Leoni079 228785 - tutorclaerasmus@uniss.itOrari di ricevimento:mercoledì e venerdì, ore 9:00 - 13:30 Regolamento Regolamento per i test di competenza linguistica erogati dal CLA nell'ambito dei programmi di mobilità internazionale Linee guida test Linee guida per i test di verifica delle competenze linguistiche in presenza pe… Linee guida per i test di verifica delle competenze linguistiche a distanza per… Social Seguici su INSTAGRAM