European Documentation Center (EDC)

Who we are


The European Documentation Center (EDC) of the University of Sassari, established in 1992, aims to promote and support teaching and research on European integration, as well as to disseminate to university users and citizens, information and documentation on the European Union and its policies.

It is part of an information network that includes about 600 points worldwide and is coordinated by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Communication and participates in the activities of the Italian Network of European Documentation Centers.

It is a central University service housed in the University Language Center. The Center's printed publications are catalogued at the Humanities and Languages Library and included in the University Catalog.

It preserves and makes available in a unique documentary “reserve” all paper and electronic documents received from the Office of Official Publications of the European Union (OP).

The collections include:

  • reports, statistics and studies relating to the institutions of the European Union (Parliament, Council, Commission, Court of Justice, Court of Auditors)
  •  advisory bodies (Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions, European Ombudsman, European Central Bank) and various EU bodies and agencies;
  • legislation and case law;
  • documentation relating to the programs of the institutions and advisory bodies of the Union;
  • popular material on European activities and institutions.

The documentary material is accessible on the shelves to all users. It is organized in two sections: the first includes all periodical publications grouped by institutions and advisory bodies (Commission, Court of Justice, Parliament, European Bank, EUROSTAT, CEDEFOP, etc.); the second includes monographic publications classified by subject.

Possibility for people with reduced mobility to reach the building.

Video di presentazione della Rete dei Centri di Documentazione Europea in Italia


E' disponibile online sul canale YouTube ReteItalianaCDE il video della rete dei CDE italiani realizzato dalla Rappresentanza in Italia della Commissione europea, che racconta il prezioso lavoro della rete in occasione del 60° anniversario.

Towards European elections 2024 #usailtuovoto - EU back to school #back2university


Aula Magna of the University of Sassari - University Square, 21

Meeting with European Institutions

The Office of Third Mission and Territory and the European Documentation Center of the University of Sassari, in collaboration of the European Commission Representation in Rome and the network of Italian EDCs, together with the Parliament in Italy, are organizing two meetings with the European Institutions for the students of the University and the last years of high schools, which represent two important appointments of educational enrichment, direct dialogue with the institutions, but also knowledge of all the opportunities offered by the European Institutions to young people.

March 7, 2024, 3 p.m.
Within the framework of the institutional communication campaign #usailtuovoto, in view of the elections for the renewal of the European Parliament (June 6-9, 2024), the CDE of the University of Sassari, in collaboration with the European Commission Representation in Italy and the Network of Italian CDEs, is organizing a meeting with a representative of the European Parliament in Italy, Dr. Lucia Pecorario, dedicated to students and young people approaching the European vote for the first time.
The platform, the European Parliament's electoral and representativeness system and the assembly's role in ensuring the democratic functioning of the EU institutions will be explained.

As part of the EU Back to School #back2university Project, Dr. Cinzia Sechi, an official of the European Commission and a graduate of our University, will meet with students from the University of Sassari and explain the path that led her to work in the European institutions, how they work and the main European policies, with particular reference to social, labor and immigration policies.

March 8, 9:30 a.m.

The #back2school meeting will be repeated for the benefit of the final year students of Liceo Azuni, Dr. Sechi's home school, and Liceo Canopoleno, European address.

The CDE of the University of Sassari will meet with high school students and present the electoral and representativeness system of the European Parliament.

The event represents an important informational and educational opportunity for students and students who are approaching, for the first time, the knowledge of European institutions and this important electoral appointment.

It's time to act together - Join


In the run-up to the European elections on June 6-9, 2024, we highlight the platform for all people who want to defend democracy in Europe by helping to encourage people to vote in the 2024 European elections.

Register to receive the European election voting reminder and join the community to promote the European elections.



Registration is now open to participate in the first edition of the CIAK, EUROPA, SI VOTA! contest.

The initiative, promoted by the Representation in Italy of the European Commission, the European Parliament - Office in Italy and Fondazione Cinema per Roma,is aimed at young film-makers, videomakers, professionals and visual arts enthusiasts.

The contest is aimed at the creation of a short video, lasting a maximum of 3 minutes, with the objective of inspiring, informing and raising awareness among citizens, particularly the younger generation, about the importance of voting in the European elections to be held in the 27 member states of the European Union from June 6 to 9, 2024.

Registration is free and will be open until Sunday, March 17, 2024.

For more information visit the dedicated web pages.

European studies diploma online


The Fondazione Collegio Europeo di Parma (CDE)  launches the first Course in European Studies, entirely online and in English. Courses will be held from January to June 2024.

The course, of approximately 300 hours, presents an in-depth overview of European institutions and its policies, ideal for those, both students and non-students, who wish to complete their preparation regarding European issues.

The Course is particularly interesting for those who aspire to participate in public competitions, or to gain work experience, in Italy and in Europe, dealing with European issues.

For more information visit the web pages dedicated to the course.

European Week in Sardinia (October 6-10, 2023)


OCTOBER 10, 2023 - 9:30 A.M.
Aula Magna of the University of Sassari - University Square, 21

The European Commission Representation in Italy is organizing the itinerant initiative “European Week in Sardinia,” in collaboration with the European Parliament Liaison Office in Italy, Fondazione di Sardegna, Europe Direct centers, Region of Sardinia and Nuoro, and local EDCs in Cagliari and Sassari. The aim is to stimulate debate on the main current European issues and active participation in the 2024 European Elections, the next important exercise of democracy for the future of our Union.

The initiative will stop in Cagliari, Nuoro and Sassari from October 6 to 10 with a full program of activities: workshops, media forums and information booths.

See the poster with the program planned in Sassari.

See the poster with the program planned in Sassari.

Presentation of the book “The European Union 1950-2022. From the Schuman Plan to Today's Torments.”

The Antonio Segni Foundation, the Department of Law and the European Documentation Center of the University of Sassari are organizing the presentation of Francesco Fresi's book The European Union 1950 - 2022. From the Schuman Plan to the Torments of Today, to be held on Tuesday, Nov. 21, at 5 p.m. at the Virgilio Mura Lecture Hall of the Department of Law (at Viale Mancini, 5).

The author of the book is one of the witnesses to the birth, development and evolution of the European Union, in whose service he has worked for more than 40 years.

Participation will entitle to the recognition of CFUs according to the conditions provided by the Course of Studies.

Attached is the poster of the event.

MIM's notice on the outcomes of the project “At school for opencohesion 2022-2023” published


The Notice of the Ministry of Education and Merit on the outcomes of the 2022-2023 edition of A Scuola di OpenCoesione, the innovative teaching course on open data, data journalism and civic monitoring of public funding that this year involved 185 teams from first and second grade secondary schools across Italy, has been published.

The initiative concluded on May 25 with the awarding of the four most deserving finalist teams.

The Europe Prize, offered by the European Commission Representation in Italy, was awarded to Team The Light Bringers, from the Istituto Magistrale e Liceo Statale Pascasino in Marsala (TP). The winning class will have the opportunity to take a two-day educational trip to Brussels during which there will be opportunities for direct exchange with European Commission officials as well as in-depth study of EU history.

Program life 2023- call for project submission


The call for project submissions under the  LIFE 2023 Program the EU funding instrument for environment and climate action, was launched on April 18.

On April 25 and 26, 2023, CINEA (European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency) will hold  virtual info days  guide potential applicants.

The opening of proposals for the Clean energy transition project is also scheduled for May 11. A dedicated session on the specifics of this call will be held in early June 2023.

More information is available on the Funding & tender portal and on the dedicated  LIFE - Support for applicants page.

UNYDP Italy 2023-2024 program launch- deadline June 5, 2023, 6 p.m.


SIOI UNA Italy (Italian Society for International Organization) has launched the call for applications for the new edition of the United Nations Youth Delegate Program (UNYDP), organized in agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and under the patronage of the Italian Youth Agency.

For more information you can view the UNYD Programme Italy 2023-24 Call for Applications.

The deadline for submitting applications is June 5, 2023, at 6 p.m.

Call for experts to safeguard cultural heritage in Ukraine


The European Commission has issued a call for experts to preserve cultural heritage in Ukraine.
The group will consist of 25 experts, including Ukrainian experts, and will work to lay the groundwork for a European support project to safeguard Ukraine's cultural heritage.

The deadline for applications is April 25, 2023.

More information about the initiative is available on the European Union's Culture and Creativity website.

Summer academy for young people from 18 to 30 years old


Are you interested in the European Union? Do you want to meet young people from all over Italy who like you are enrolled in or junior ambassadors in an EPAS program school?
Do you want to discuss your ideas with them and learn new skills? Do you want to get involved and make a difference, even in your local area?
Then the Summer Academy is the one for you!
Come to Rome from July 17-19: an exciting program awaits you, where you can deepen your knowledge of the EU, talk to members of parliament, work on your ideas, and build a network of knowledge and contacts throughout Italy!

Info and details to apply:
Participation is free but places are limited. Applications are open until April 23, 2023.

We are waiting for you! #insiemeper

European Experience- David Sassoli


Link to online booking system for Esperienza Europa visits and role-playing - David Sassoli:

From the site one can check available dates and times and make reservations in real time.


As of Saturday, October 22, 2022, the new Esperienza Europa - David Sassoli will be open to the public.

Esperienza Europa is the place to discover Europe and the European Parliament in an innovative, multimedia and dynamic space in the heart of Rome. Change the way you see Europe.

Visit Experience Europe to get up close and personal with the EU and understand how it affects your daily life. Through a multimedia tour, immersive installations, and an interactive role-playing game, Experience Europe gives you the opportunity to discover how the European Union works and how you can shape its future.

You will gain in-depth knowledge through a unique learning experience with curiosity, innovation, excitement and personal creativity at its core.

Free admission. Content available in the 24 official languages of the EU.

We look forward to seeing you. #EuropeExperience




Presentation of the state of the union address


The introductory meeting of the State of the Union Cycle will be held on February 15, 2023, at 10:30 am.

Link to participate:

The meetings are open to all interested and can be followed live on the network's  Facebook and Youtube channel. 

2022: European Youth Year- The consequences of the conflict in Ukraine on future generations: what challenges and opportunities?


On Thursday, November 24, 2022, from 9:00 a.m., the conference “2022: EUROPEAN YEAR OF YOUNG PEOPLE - The consequences of the conflict in Ukraine on future generations: what challenges and opportunities?” will be held at the Aula Magna of the University of Sassari (p.zza Università, 21).

Speakers will include Prof. Silvia Sanna - University of Sassari, Prof. Stefano Bastianon - University of Bergamo, Prof. Paolo Fois - University of Sassari, Dr. Matteo Fornara - JRC- Ispra (remote), Dr. Cecilia Sala - Journalist (remote), Dr. Mattia De Rosa - University of Sassari.
Prof. Silvia Angioi - University of Sassari will moderate the meeting.

The event, organized by the European Documentation Center of the University of Sassari, in collaboration with the student associations AlaUniss, Elsa and ASP, is an initiative of the National Project of Italian EDCs 2022 in collaboration with the Representation in Italy of the European Commission. The initiative was launched by President Ursula von der Leyen during the State of the Union Address 2021, proclaiming 2022 as the European Year of Young People to support young Europeans in defending and promoting freedom, values, opportunities and solidarity, the generations that have suffered the most during the pandemic and must now take back their lives.

It will also be possible to follow the event via streaming on the Microsoft Teams platform by registering at the following link: 

PFor students of the University of Sassari, CFUs will be recognized according to the modalities established by the Courses of Study.

For the occasion, Senator Liliana Segre also sent a message to all those who attended [Leggi il messaggio].

Attached are the  Posters with the program of the event.

A recording of the event is available on UNISSTUBE.


European commission at Lucca comics&games 2022- Oct. 28/Nov. 1, 20221


This year, for the first time, the European Commission will be an institutional partner of Lucca Comics&Games through its Representation in Italy.

The objective is to communicate in a new and innovative key the priorities of the European Union (EU), in particular the themes related to NextGenerationEU and the green and digital transition.

Special attention will be paid to the new generations, protagonists of the European Year of Youth 2022.

See the full Program.

Call for submission of Italian sites to apply for the European Heritage Label of the


The Call for Applications (Decree of the MiC Secretary General dated May 27, 2022 No. 44) for the pre-selection of Italian sites to apply for the European Heritage Label under the 2023 selection has been published.

Nomination forms (two for each site, one in Italian and one in English) must be submitted to the General Secretariat, office responsible for the European Heritage Label under the MiC, by November 2, 2022, under penalty of exclusion from the process, by certified email to

The European Heritage Label is a special initiative of Creative Europe, created with the aim of stimulating in citizens, particularly young people, a sense of belonging to the European Union and intercultural dialogue. It consists of awarding a label, which has recognition value, to all those cultural heritage sites that have played an important role in the construction of European history and culture, and/or that represent a particular symbolic value.

Launch event for new calls under Creative Europe.


The Representation in Italy of the European Commission, organizes in Rome on October 14, 2022 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., an information session on the Creative Europe Program 2021-2027 at Spazio Europa - Via Quattro Novembre 149.

It will be possible to follow the event via streaming by clicking here.

The event will be held in cooperation with the Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), with colleagues from Brussels in attendance. In particular, new calls under Creative Europe will be presented. These include the brand new Music Moves Europe call worth €4.5 M published on September 15, 2022, with a deadline of January 12, 2023.

The launch of this call follows the Preparatory Action “Music Moves Europe: Boosting European Music diversity and talent” carried out between 2018 and 2020.

The launch event is organized for entities, institutions, foundations bodies working in the cultural and music sector with excellent capacity and experience in competing for European calls for proposals and their management and reporting.

European documentation centres- annual activity report 2021


The 2021 Annual Report on the Activities of European Documentation Centers is available online.

The future is in your hands- debates, ideas and reflections for the conference on the future of Europe


The Future of Europe Conference offers European citizens a unique, timely opportunity to think about Europe's challenges and priorities. Anyone, regardless of background or activity, will be able to use this tool to reflect on the future of the European Union they would like.

The European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission are committed to listening to the voice of Europeans and following up, within their respective competencies, on the recommendations received.

By spring 2022, the conference is expected to reach conclusions and provide guidance on the future of Europe.


Find out how you can participate!