Network of EU Networks in Sardinia Presentation event "network of EU networks in Sardinia" - video On May 12, 2022, the "Network of EU Networks in Sardinia" composed of the island's practitioners committed to telling Sardinian citizens about European opportunities was officially presented to the public.Watch the video of the event on YouTube.Also available is the interview given to Videolina by Salvatore Boeddu, Head of the Europe Direct Center in Nuoro. May 12 event to present EU networks network in Sardinia On May 12, 2022, the EU Networks in Sardinia Network, composed of the island's operators committed to promoting and telling Sardinian citizens about the opportunities offered by European institutions, will be officially presented to the public.The launch day, entitled "The European Union in Sardinia," will take place at the Manifattura Tabacchi in Cagliari (Viale Regina Margherita, 33) starting at 9:30 a.m. and will be divided into two sessions.The first session, which will take place in the morning, will open with institutional greetings from regional and local actors and will continue with speeches from European and national institutions, concluding with a panel discussion of representatives of the signatory networks. It will be possible to participate in the morning proceedings in presence (after registering for the event) or follow the live streaming on Sardegna Ricerche's YouTube channel. In the second afternoon session, however, three participatory workshops will be held in parallel, each with separate registration. The workshops will be organized as follows:Workshop 1 - Conference Room - h. 15.00 - 17.00The opportunities offered by the new programming 21-27 for local authorities by EUROPE DIRECT Sardinia Region, EUROPE DIRECT Municipality of Nuoro, CDE University of Cagliari and CDE University of Sassari aimed at presenting to local administrators some European programs and initiatives of interest.In-person event. For online participation in the webinar sign up on Zoom.Workshop 2 - Workshops - h. 14.30 - 18.00Empowerment workshop on the EURES TMS (Targeted Mobility Scheme) program by ASPAL, Eurodesk Italy, EURES Italy. The workshop targets young people aged between 18 and 35, interested in using the opportunities offered by the EURES TMS program.Participation in presence onlyRegister for the WorkshopWorkshop 3 - Room 202 - h. 15.00 - 17.00Opportunities from Europe for businesses - The European Innovation Council (EIC) and financial instruments for startups and SMEs. Organized by Sardegna Ricerche, Enterprise Europe Network and European Research Desk (APRE Sardinia). The workshop, which will feature Renato Fa of APRE (Agency for the Promotion of European Research) as a speaker, is open to businesses and researchers.Attendance onlyRegister for the WorkshopSee the day's program.For more information you can send an email to: Rollup Rete delle Reti UE Sardegna Programma evento "L'Unione europea in Sardegna" What is the network of networks At the end of December 2021, 9 Sardinian territorial networks dealing in various capacities with European policies signed a Protocol for the activation of the EU Networks Network in Sardinia:EUROPEAN DOCUMENTATION CENTER - University of CagliariCENTER EUROPEAN DOCUMENTATION CENTER - University of SassariENTERPRISE EUROPE NETWORK - Confindustria SardegnaENTERPRISE EUROPE NETWORK - Sardegna RicercheEURES - Sardinian Agency for Active Employment Policies (ASPAL)EURODESK ITALY - National Point for ItalyEUROPE DIRECT NUORO - Municipality of NuoroEUROPE DIRECT REGION OF SARDINIA - Autonomous Region of Sardinia (RAS)EUROPEAN RESEARCH - Sardegna RicercheThe 9 signatory centers are involved in information, communication, support, documentation and interaction activities with citizens, businesses, schools, universities, media, institutions and associations at local and regional levels.Network operators work with common goals and objectives, promoting the participation of Sardinian citizens in the democratic life of European institutions and fostering regional economic and social development as well as the internationalization of the production system and research and innovation activities.With the creation of the new Network of Networks, the aim is to enhance and consolidate the many years of experience gained by the 9 partners in their respective institutional activities, thus ensuring a coordinated service to the territory. Naviga la sezione Network of EU Networks in Sardinia Contacts Documents Protocollo "Rete delle Reti UE Sardegna" Useful Links Sardegna Ricerche Sardegna Programmazione