DITALS - Teaching Italian as a Foreign Language DITALS - Teaching Italian as a Foreign Language The DITALS Certification is a cultural title issued by the University for Foreigners of Siena that evaluates theoretical and practical preparation in the field of teaching Italian to foreigners and certifies different levels of professional competence in this sector: each candidate can prepare independently in the manner they consider most appropriate for the chosen Certification level.There are three DITALS Certifications:- DITALS Basic Certification- DITALS Level I Certification- DITALS Level II CertificationThe Linguistic Center of the University of Sassari, thanks to the agreement with the University for Foreigners of Siena, is an authorized center for DITALS certification exams. It is therefore possible to attend training courses for DITALS Level I and II certification and take exams for Basic certification, first level certification (DITALS I), and second level certification (DITALS II). Registration procedure for the DITALS Basic Exam - July 19, 2024 (Registrations Open) Registration is now open for the DITALS BASE exam to be held at the University of Sassari Language Center on July 19, 2024.The application proposal must be sent by email to ditalscla@uniss.it by 12:00 noon on 07.06.2024, together with a photocopy of an identity document and any attachments that candidates deem useful to produce, following the instructions on the last page of the application form.The candidate will only be allowed to submit the proposal if he/she meets all the entry requirements.At the time of registration, candidates must pay to the University for Foreigners of Siena only the first part of the fee (€ 20.00 DITALS BASE) and send the receipt of the bank transfer certifying the payment of the same to ditalscla@uniss.it .This pre-fee, which is non-refundable, is not expected in case of repeating one or more exam papers.The second part of the fee will be required after the University for Foreigners of Siena has evaluated the exam applications. Following notification of admission to the examination, the candidate must finalize payment of the full fee.Examination fees should be paid by:bank account no. 6393.57 (IBAN Code IT 91 N 01030 14217 000000639357) at the Agenzia 13 of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena (Piazza Giovanni Amendola n. 4 - SIENA) - Siena, in the name of University for Foreigners of Siena.Payments to the University for Foreigners of Siena must be made net of charges to the beneficiary (the University must receive the total amount due without bank charges).The reason for payment must be compulsorily stated specifying:Surname and first name of the candidateExamination to which it refers:DITALS BASIC Examination or Capitalization DITALS BASIC Examination Date of the examination session (July 19, 2024)Examination venue (Language Center of the University of Sassari)The examination fee cannot be refunded for any reason. Only in exceptional and appropriately documented cases (health reasons, unpostponable study or work commitments) may it be transferred to later exam sessions. translate into english Modulo di iscrizione esame DITALS BASE - 19.07.2024 Ripetizione parziale o totale esame DITALS BASE - 19.07.2024 HOW TO REGISTER FOR THE DITALS LEVEL I EXAM - JULY 19, 2024 (OPEN REGISTRATION) Registration is now open for the DITALS LEVEL I exam (profiles: adolescents, adults and seniors, immigrants and university students) to be held at the University of Sassari Language Center on July 19, 2024.The application proposal should be sent via email to ditalscla@uniss.it by 12:00 noon on 07.06.2024, together with a photocopy of an identity document and any attachments that candidates deem useful to produce, following the instructions on the last page of the application form.The candidate will only be allowed to submit the proposal if he/she meets all the entry requirements.At the time of enrollment, candidates must pay the University for Foreigners of Siena only the first part of the fee (€ 20.00 DITALS LEVEL I) and send the receipt of the bank transfer certifying the payment of the same to ditalscla@uniss.it. This pre-fee, which is non-refundable, is not expected in case of repeating one or more exam papers.The second part of the fee will be required after the University for Foreigners of Siena has evaluated the exam applications. Following notification of admission to the examination, the candidate must finalize payment of the full fee.Examination fees should be paid by bank transfer: bank account no. 6393.57 (IBAN Code IT 91 N 01030 14217 000000639357) at Agenzia 13 of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena (Piazza Giovanni Amendola n. 4 - SIENA) - Siena, made out to University for Foreigners of Siena.Payments to Università per Stranieri di Siena must be made net of charges to the beneficiary (the University must receive the total amount due without bank charges.The reason for payment must be compulsorily stated specifying: Surname and first name of the candidateExam to which it refers:DITALS I LEVEL exam or Capitalization DITALS I LEVEL examDate of the exam session (July 19, 2024)Exam location (Language Center of the University of Sassari)The exam fee cannot be refunded for any reason. Only in exceptional and appropriately documented cases (health reasons, unpostponable study or work commitments) may it be transferred to later exam sessions. Modulo di iscrizione esame DITALS I LIVELLO - 19.07.2024 Ripetizione parziale o totale esame DITALS I LIVELLO - 19.07.2024 Naviga la sezione CILS - Certification of Italian as a foreign language DITALS - Teaching Italian as a Foreign Language DITALS Basic Exam DITALS Level I Exam DITALS Level II Exam DITALS exam for Italian school teachers DITALS DIGITAL Exam DITALS Courses Examination dates Examination fees IELTS - International English Language Testing System Recognition of International Language Certifications Notices Newsletter DITALSE' online la Newsletter DITALS n. 48 - Aprile 2024.