The university system in Italy The university system The academic degrees BACHELOR'S DEGREEThe bachelor's degree course ensures students acquire adequate mastery of general scientific methods and content. It lasts 3 years, equivalent to 180 CFUs (University Educational Credits), and admission requires a high school diploma or another recognized equivalent qualification obtained abroad.MASTER'S DEGREEThe master's degree course provides students with advanced training for engaging in highly qualified activities in specific fields. Each course lasts 2 years, equivalent to 120 CFUs. Admission requires a bachelor's degree or another recognized equivalent qualification obtained abroad.SINGLE-CYCLE MASTER'S DEGREEIn some institutions and for certain disciplines (such as Medicine and Surgery), courses are organized as single-cycle master's degrees, which can be accessed directly with a high school diploma or equivalent foreign qualification. They consist of a single cycle of 5 or 6 years, for a total of 300 or 360 CFUs.UNIVERSITY MASTER'S DEGREEThe first-level university master's degree is an advanced course of university education accessible after obtaining a bachelor's degree. It involves acquiring at least 60 CFUs with a duration of at least one year.The second-level university master's degree is a course of scientific specialization and advanced lifelong learning accessible after obtaining a master's degree. It involves acquiring at least 60 CFUs.RESEARCH DOCTORATEThe research doctorate aims to provide the necessary skills for carrying out high-quality research activities at universities, public institutions, or private entities. The course lasts for 3 years, and to enroll, candidates must hold an Italian or foreign master's degree.SPECIALIZATION COURSESSpecialization courses aim to provide students with knowledge and skills for specific professional activities. They lead to professional accreditation in certain fields and are designed to train specialists in particular professional sectors. The duration of a specialization course is at least 2 years. Naviga la sezione Discounts and facilities for UniSS students Pathways for Transversal Skills and Orientation Student Guide 2023/2024 Student Help Desk Student Orientation at UNISS Supplementary Health Service for Out-of-Town Students The university system in Italy Transizione scuola-università - Orientamento attivo UniSS and Schools