GHAJA [CLOSED] ABOUT THE PROJECT The overall objective of the action is to afford rural communities of Ghana access to improved modern and renewable energy services and opportunities for communities based groups, reduce desertification effects and improve their livelihood by implementing a participatory approach at the rural community level. The overall objective and purpose of the action will be achieved by implementing a five-year project on providing rural communities of Ghana with access to sustainable, renewable, affordable and more efficient energy services and opportunities, while reducing desertification effects and improving their livelihoods.The project involves the creation of a localised bio-fuel production system at rural community level based on the extensive and/or intercropped plantation and the processing of drought-resistant perennial species products (Jatropha species), in areas affected by land degradation processes. Additionally to the bio-fuel production for direct use, new income-generating activities based on the transformation and marketing of the plantation derived products will be also generated. The proposal is especially addressed to strengthen the opportunities for women and marginal groups in the local rural economy as well as promote their social role. ⇒ Video documentationTitle and acronym: Use of Jatropha plant to improve sustainable renewable energy development and create income-generating activities: an integrated approach to ensure sustainable livelihood conditions and mitigate land degradation effects in rural areas of Ghana - GHAJADates: from April 2009 to December 2014Location: West Mamprusi District - Northern Region - GhanaSource of Funding: European Commission - EuropeAIDRole of NRD: coordinatorScientific responsible: Prof. G. EnneNRD members and staff involved: Dr. D Bellavite, Dr. L. Chessa, M. Lubino, Prof. M. Mulas, Dr. Roberta LobinaKeywords: THE PARTNERS Technology Consultancy Centre (TCC) of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology of Kumasi (Ghana) Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Savanna Agricultural Research Institute Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) NewEnergy (Ghana) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Official project webpage Video documentation Naviga la sezione JEF - Energy Facility (CLOSED) PERU GO BENIN (CLOSED) WADIS-MAR GHAJA [CLOSED] LR 19-TANZANIA (CLOSED) MAJI (CLOSED) MAURITANIA (CLOSED) PROAGRO (CLOSED) RIPDES (CLOSED) SMAP II (CLOSED) SMAP III (CLOSED) TANZANIA (CLOSED)