The general objective of the project is to contribute to the promotion of governance and effective water management through the transfer of knowledge and expertise to improve the health and socio-economic resident population in the ACP countries. n particular the project aims at conducting a study and a pilot action in the common Abomey to develop and field test, also through the training of local technicians, a technical manual for the management of water resources, consistent with the national water legislation.

Title and acronym: Implementation of national water policies in the Commune of Abomey-Calavi - GOBenin

Dates: 2011 - 2015

Location: BENIN, Water Basin of Ouéwa-Yewa, Department of Atlantique,Commune of Abomey-Calavi

Source of Funding: EuropeAid ACP- EU Water Facility

Role of NRD: Partner

Scientific responsible: Prof. G. Ghiglieri

NRD members and staff involved: Prof. M. Gutierrez, Prof. A. Azara, Dr. A. Carletti, Dr. Roberta Lobina